Example sentences of "[coord] [pers pn] [verb] just have " in BNC.

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1 Yes I erm I would like to point out that we are looking er very closely at the sales and I 've just had a report on my desk from the head of finance which is the beginning of the discussions in the management team on er the sales erm and relation of loss of sales to profit and so on and the now we , the shop is in that position we 've had time t we have more time to assess how things are working out .
2 I 'm here on my own , and I 've just had a phone call from my brother-in-law to say my sister is dangerously ill .
3 ‘ What you and I have just had … what we have just experienced … well , I can tell you that it is something very special indeed .
4 Now and you 've just had another prescription for that have n't you ?
5 And you 've just had a holiday . ’
6 Oh yes , attached to it , and you 've just had yourself taped by the way .
7 And you 'd just had a plastic cold just the favourite because for our Martine and pull her along in it .
8 And she 'd just had an idea , one which would get them all moving .
9 She had a seriously ill patient to contend with and she 'd just had a telephone message to say that Brückner 's wife wanted to come up and visit him .
10 And she 's just had a party party
11 wi not an extortionate amount of wages and we 've just had this two hundred pound for the to be transferred to Mansfield .
12 and we 've just had another one on the B A C O ninet O nine O.
13 And , and we 've just had our walls repainted and I furious with with erm Rita cos all she we , all she got was these bloody pastel colours I tell you if I was
14 This is a United Nations embargo , er and er all ships are required to comply with it , er and er the British , Australian , American ships which combined in this action , and we 've just had another one , and er also , there which involved also different ships , but involved er British , Australian and American ships as well , er and that ship is being inspected at the present time .
15 Now if you know that somebody is a drug addict and they 've just had an injection you keep away from them , erm if they 're having a bad trip , whatever they call it , because you do n't , they become very violent , they can do a lot of damage , now the only time you will step in and help is when they go unconscious , but at the same time remember protect yourself , we 're talking about needles here and probably shared needles , you must be terribly careful that you do not get pricked by a needle , especially if , they have a habit of sticking needles under lapels , so always be aware of this , if a person is a drug addict , in fact if you can find some easier way of turning them into the recovery position , do so , erm , you can then obviously either call the ambulance .
16 And they 've just had a new car have n't they ?
17 They , they , what they 'd been doing was shooting them over and they 'd just had n't been exploded , they said dud shell or something .
18 The year 1917 saw the Russian Revolution and they have just had another one .
19 But the crucial thing he had n't told us was that his girlfriend was one of the operators involved in the ring , and he 'd just had a big row with her .
20 I am extremely sorry , but I have just had a most trying time . ’
21 My daughter phoned up actually but she 's just had a phone call to go out so she 's left me t' answer .
22 " We want to look our very best — which should n't be a real problem as we 're so gorgeous — but we 've just had to change our clothes a couple of times .
23 But we 've just had somebody from Glasgow go down to do my own course in Humberside .
24 ‘ But now we 're just trying to forget that part of our life I know that sounds awful but we 've just had to rebuild our lives again . ’
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