Example sentences of "[coord] [pers pn] [verb] [verb] a " in BNC.

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1 Either that , or I 've got a secret penchant for women who attack me with briefcases and then do their best to alienate half my work-force . ’
2 You er last time I saw you , you were I did n't know whether you 'd been starting up in er in photography but you had been next door I think or I 'd seen a lot of your stuff .
3 Er , I sorry , , just clearing my throat , er , I did , I did delegate if somebody put it on the end of somebody 's assignment , then I to it , but I tend to find I underestimate what people can do for me all the time , and do n't identify just how much those people can give me back , and I did , or I do have a tendency at times to give people like before , to hold on too much , try and do too much myself , and er , you ca n't do it that way in case .
4 doing in an arithmetic way or you had to use a sca , a log table .
5 Or you 've done a tiny bit and you need something that 's not
6 Yeah , if it , if it 's an illness , not a simple accident , an accident is probably , or you 've got a rough idea as to how long you gon na be off for .
7 you 've just bought a car or you 've got a car you can take it and the police look over it to see if it 's alright .
8 So you tend to gradually come round to the view that unless it 's causing very bad visual pollution , or you 've had a run of complaints about it , then you tend not to take a stat . ’
9 erm , and , and , it could arise in many different circumstances , erm one can imagine a situation which wrongly expel erm a name from the market , well whatever the motives , that clearly distorts competition cos there 's one rule , one less competitor in the market , erm it , it 's con , it , it 's conceivable that an article eighty five argument could arise and an expel name could raise a point , whether he succeeds is another matter , but at that point and , and in relation to that he may say well I can sue you because you 've excluded me you 've restricted competition or you 've excluded a group of names
10 It lacks the personal touch it lacks the personal touch which is why you never send your people letters saying you 're fired or you know lost a job you always talk to them and it can be more expensive in terms of materials you use it 's it is very very expensive on mat materials and cheap on time but it 's a personal relationships that 's the first thing okay that 'll do so when do we use it ?
11 If you wish to continue or you wish to recreate a nineteenth century corporatist local authority that 's fine .
12 If your car breaks down or you need to get a taxi home late at night , the last thing you want to do is wander round looking for a phone box .
13 in around other commitments , particularly if you are preparing written work or you have to present a seminar .
14 In the other … you might just as well try to go to sleep when your feet are cold or you want to spend a penny , or you 're hungry for a special kind of food you have n't got .
15 that at the time of the loss or damage he or she had taken a room at the inn ; and
16 If he or she undertakes to make a part of his or her income over to a charity for four years or more , the tax the individual pays on that income is given by the tax authorities to the charity concerned .
17 However , if he or she decides to evolve a new style of weight control , and aims for a slow and steady loss , the weight is more likely to stay off .
18 Can the theist respond that he or she does have a coherent understanding of God ?
19 By virtue of being hand-made , all oriental rugs can be said to be unique — a weaver , no matter how hard he or she tries to follow a particular design , will invariably make small mistakes or innovations which will impart some individual flavour to the work — but it is rare to encounter a rug in which the weaver has consciously striven to express his own creative ideas at the expense of a traditional design .
20 When you initially approach an Alexander teacher , make sure that he or she has undergone a teachers ' training course that is recommended by The Society of Alexander Teachers ( STAT ) .
21 A preliminary clipping usually takes place during the course of the knotting , when the weaver cuts the pile yarn to an approximate length after he or she has completed a few rows , but the final clipping is a highly skilled job , which , if badly done , can ruin months of work .
22 More commonly , the minister under attack is shielded by collective responsibility and the decision as to whether he or she goes or stays is one for the Prime Minister , based on the criteria of the extent to which he or she has become a liability to the government .
23 Every time the parent has witnessed the PB or CB , he or she has entered a tally mark in the appropriate space .
24 We 're also running erm without , we must be running without or we 've got a significantly reduced level of chase-ups because our turn- rounds are , in most areas , are significantly better than they were .
25 I think it 's a stigma that a lot of men feel they ca n't show that they 're depressed or they 've got a problem so they 'll pick up a ph , a phone .
26 When they 're pregnant or they 've got a little baby .
27 because this has happened time and time again and yes they do need more life cover or they do need a PHI policy or a savings plan .
28 Farmers are advised not to stop travellers and vehicles on the road or they risk committing a serious traffic offence .
29 And the roofs that keep the snow for along time , do so either because the house is unoccupied or it 's pretty cold inside , or it 's got a well insulated loft .
30 That 's , I think that 's the one that 's sold eighty five eighty five thou that 's gone for , or it 's got a sale agreed on it .
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