Example sentences of "[coord] [noun pl] from the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ We should be able to call on individuals or groups from the support force , who might undertake a short-term assignment helping a particular authority with a particular issue ’ .
2 The Declaration of Right of 1689 abolished the power claimed by James II to suspend the operation of any law , and to some extent the power which he had also claimed to exempt individuals or groups from the operation of certain laws .
3 The types we can discuss generally involve the removal of rewarding events or objects from the child or the removal of the child from them .
4 ‘ Perhaps there would be guests to be welcomed — travellers , or merchants from the East who would display their wares of silk or gold or ivory , ’ said Oisin .
5 The theory of integrative levels emerged , the essence being that the world of entities evolves from the simple towards the complex by an accumulation of properties or influences from the environment .
6 People began to take notice of the miner 's conditions & inspectors from the govt. came & eventually the reports reached Parliament , where Acts were passed :
7 Two of the blocks together preserved a handful or words from the poem ( promptly recognised by Professor Ihor Sevcenko of Harvard University ) and all of them elaborately carved .
8 And hundreds of people , architects , all this development here , this hundred houses were mainly architects or engineers from the Corporation
9 Either imports from the partner country or imports from the rest of the world have declined , or both .
10 Within 21 days after receiving particulars of the errors or defects from the Publisher , the Programmer will correct any bugs or other errors or defects in the Program which come to light in the course of the alpha and beta testing .
11 Within [ – – – ] days after receiving particulars of the errors or defects from the Publisher , the Programmer will correct any bugs or other errors or defects in the Program which come to light in the course of the alpha and beta testing .
12 Erm we agree entirely with the County Council 's proposal to delete erm job targets or targets from the policy .
13 Just as many Zuwaya resented or rejected the state while they took salaries or subsidies from the government , so they held their hostile attitude to police forces distinct from kinship connections with policemen ( though they were pleased when they had none ) .
14 Under its powers of investigation , the Commission can examine books and other business records of parties , take copies or extracts from the books and business records , ask for oral explanations on the spot and enter any premises , land or means of transport within EC territory belonging to the undertakings concerned .
15 There were no questions or interjections from the floor of the Chamber , as is customary in the British House of Commons , and as had been common debating practice during the Second Republic .
16 If , however , the government buys back Treasury bills from the banking sector or bills or bonds from the Bank of England , there will be a net reduction in the money supply .
17 Another view of local budgeting is that it is dominated by habit , by small additions to or subtractions from the base budget .
18 The point of all this is that the personality of the individual who chooses to learn sign language must therefore be one which can resolve these tensions or pressures from the community and invoke sufficient motivation to ensure success .
19 The government interest was even stronger in the upper chamber , where by the end of Anne 's reign between 40 per cent to 50 per cent of those peers active in the house held places or pensions from the Court .
20 More than half the adult population receive unemployment benefit grants or pensions from the government , which in addition employs around 40 per cent of the workforce .
21 The fact that a baby is weaned early , according to this argument , matters less than the reason for this decision : whether it reflects a cultural norm , or stems from the mother 's revulsion at physical intimacy , or expresses an urge to hurry the child towards independence .
22 The King 's after-dinner receptions , limited to members of the diplomatic corps , ministers and a scattering of prefects or mayors from the Departments , ended at ten o'clock sharp .
23 " Parole " is the particular uses of this system , or selections from the system , which the speaker or writer makes on this or that occasion .
24 We have made repeated statements on our policy to the House , and it is not a matter on which we need to take advice or instructions from the People 's Republic of China .
25 There is , not surprisingly , no surviving evidence about pressure or incentives from the employers " side .
26 Although ventilation of the mines ( by huge steam-driven fans ) and haulage ( the raising and lowering of the cage or lift in the deep mines , and much of the transport underground ) had long been mechanized , work at the actual coal-face was still done by hand in many collieries ; and pit-ponies still dragged the small four-wheeled drams — the tubs or trams from the working places to link up with the mechanized ‘ journeys ’ .
27 Having failed in their attempt to attract individuals or sections from the ILP into their Party , the Communists were now advocating a " United Working Class Party " , a combination with the ILP which would inevitably come under Communist leadership .
28 The Awards announced on the Queen 's birthday are to recognise and encourage outstanding achievement in the field of export of goods or services from the UK , and together with Awards for Technological Achievement , were instituted by Royal Warrant in 1976 .
29 " Give examples " ( or the related , " with reference to not less than two texts … " ) invites you to present concrete illustration , which should generally include quotation and paraphrase ( of episodes or incidents from the text ) to support the points you make .
30 With few exceptions , not all of which were as abortive as the partly suspended sentence , the ground for legislative change was usually prepared by Royal Commissions , Committees of Inquiry or reports from the ACPS or other advisory bodies .
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