Example sentences of "[coord] [noun pl] [vb -s] [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 But drinking too much over a period of months or years damages far more than the nervous system .
2 But when organizations grow to a level where it is impossible for all the members to know each other , where the division of work between individuals and groups becomes more strict , where communications are restricted by physical and administrative distances and boundaries — in such a situation the need for an idea-handling system arises even in an organization where the cultural and climate conditions support creativity and innovation .
3 For spot and futures returns over five-minute periods , he found evidence that futures returns led spot returns by up to fifteen minutes .
4 The Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators has over 44,000 members worldwide , including 22,000 in the UK and Ireland .
5 I hope that Pink Rock And Postcards gives as much pleasure .
6 It is often said that children have their lives before them and to die before they have had a chance to develop their personalities and lives seems particularly cruel .
7 In those pieces that are workable for both groups , it seems perfectly plausible that the string and wind ensembles could have played simultaneously the statement in the first entrée that the bride and groom are led by the violins and oboes suggests as much or they may have played in alternation .
8 Forming the impedances Z 1 and Z 2 of the inverting or noninverting configuration from more complicated combinations of reactances and resistances yields more intricate filtering .
9 The CFI at Nelson , Jenny Frame ( the only lady aero club CFI I met during my trip , though the proportion of female instructors and pilots seems much higher in New Zealand than it is in the UK ) told me that although this state of affairs was unusual , a great deal of their flying did normally comprise scenic flights for tourists .
10 Keeping open house for friends and families provides more fun and stimulation for residents .
11 In these circumstances , the familiar Renaissance claim that poetry teaches and delights takes on new implications , pleasure among readers is not only how their attention and co-option to the didactic intention is achieved .
12 If one believes the prediction of the inflationary cosmology , that the total density of the Universe must be very close to the critical value above which it recollapses , then there must also be unclustered dark matter as even the dark matter in galaxies and clusters has too small a density to account for this .
13 He is now wholly caught up in his own sufferings , in a new dichotomy , an agonizing split within himself : Although he rejects conscience as ‘ but a word that cowards use , /Devised at first to keep the strong in awe ’ ( 309f. ) , the duality between truth and lies proves too great for Richard to sustain .
14 All the fresh water in the world 's lakes and streams represents barely 0.01 per cent of the earth 's total store of water , which is mainly saline .
15 All the fresh water in the world 's lakes and streams represents barely 0.01 per cent of the earth 's total store of water , which is mainly saline .
16 The importance of this is that word-of-mouth information from shop assistants , salesmen and agents seems more influential for consumers than what is written into credit notices and contracts — but of course much less easy to regulate .
17 Share ownership among young people , women , manual workers , people in the North , Wales and Scotland , and non-homeowners remains relatively low .
18 William Hill made Dead Certain their 12-1 Guineas favourite but Corals offers only 8-1 .
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