Example sentences of "[coord] [noun pl] [v-ing] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Silent serial recall of similar-sounding words ( homophones ) or signs sharing the same handshape ( non-homophones in English ) was used as a base for considering the effect of overt rehearsal either in sign ( into sign ) , or in words ( into words ) .
2 This presents no problem if the seller has a certificate or certificates representing the precise amount sold to a single buyer .
3 After the war the number of readers who would laugh at pictures of seasick passengers , or bosuns getting the better of the second mate , diminished rapidly .
4 Previously , advertising was handled by local agencies in each country , with Gregory Ellis Martin & Partners handling the international duty-free campaign .
5 The findings were , essentially , that those rats or students receiving the uncontrollable unpleasant experience began by making determined efforts to stop or escape it , but after a lack of success , eventually became passive and helpless .
6 There are so many other causes and sponsorships chasing the same money .
7 And rules prohibiting the commercial use of some products that the plant was designed to produce have not been rescinded .
8 These changes were of particular symbolic importance for moral entrepreneurial groups , and brought into sharp relief what appeared to be the declining importance of certain social arrangements concerning the family , and certain moral ideals and values affecting the social significance of Christianity .
9 There is no place for surgical scrub solutions or other antiseptic solutions , as they damage the cells of the wound as well as those in the blood and other natural cells and secretions helping the normal process of repair .
10 Physically , he was stiff and tense , the muscles in his back and shoulders resisting the comforting embrace of the padded flight couch .
11 The woods and walks surrounding the old Sussex manor house are peopled by children who died young ; the visitor , who is the narrator , is aware of them , but can not actually see them ; his hostess , who is vividly aware of the children 's presence , is blind .
12 Either it permits an obdurate East Berlin leadership to continue , at the risk of deeper disaffection among the population and growing isolation among its allies , or it encourages reform , and risks destroying the fragile foundations of East German statehood entirely .
13 Some have as many as a hundred photographs and captions describing the various stages of the project .
14 THE Association of Cricket Statisticians and Scorers of India has compiled its yearly bible of facts , figures , records , tables , scorecards , lists , quirks and curiosities scrutinizing the Indian season in microscopic detail , and leaving no statistical stone unturned .
15 So CrossWind is adopting a client/server strategy with Unix on the server and clients running the native Mac , Windows or OS/2 interface .
16 Not surprisingly adults were the most successful subjects , with speakers and listeners achieving the correct route on 92 per cent of occasions .
17 Why should Edward now object to his old friend and comrade-in-arms seizing the Scottish crown ? ’
18 In early manuscripts and books using the Latin alphabet J and U were written I and V as capitals and there was a good deal of indiscriminate use even in the lower case ( e.g. Maiestie above ) .
19 The team of expert speakers will use their own experiences and expertise to illustrate the problems , opportunities and solutions facing the international tax professional .
20 Other characteristics of class have been noted : disproportionate recruitment into the bureaucracy from the offspring of bureaucrats ; a distinctive subculture by monopolization of access to Western education ; the relative wealth and privileges separating the bureaucratic stratum from the rest of society , and control of the means of repression to maintain the bureaucracy 's dominance .
21 The project will examine the obstacles and opportunities facing the new entrepreneurs in the development of their business activity , and will provide information on the economic performance , innovatory potential , and employment impact of the small sector .
22 Mr McGiffert stated that he was concerned that the large volume of traffic caused by the new golf course would wreak havoc , with farm machinery and animals using the same road .
23 Figure 2.8 : Plans of extensively excavated early Anglo-Saxon settlements and cemeteries showing the close relationship between the two
24 By consideration of points raised in the module , and matters arising from them , teachers are made aware of the distinction between drills promoting mechanistic performance and drills promoting the unconscious internalization of mentalistic competence structures , and of the distinction between meaning as semantic signification and meaning as pragmatic value in context .
25 Well , as er having listened to what Graham said against the er the G Ps and the pharmacists which er they totally agreed with what Graham was saying , what we do n't see either in the press or on television , a panel of G Ps and pharmacists condemning the National Health Service and the media do n't see that .
26 This sits easily with the view summarised earlier that there are " facts " in the world , recorded in various ways , and the task of research is to gather the appropriate ones in light of the resources and circumstances affecting the particular research project .
27 Mr Lilley 's remarks outraged Labour and charities helping the poor .
28 Should the attackers overcome these obstacles they would then be caught in deadly crossfire from archers positioned on the next series of walls and towers protecting the central core .
29 High above , in abrupt contrast , sit the comparatively recent buildings of the town , their roofs and turrets catching the early morning sun .
30 More than 260 Windows applications were on show , covering dedicated 32-bit applications for the 386 and 486 range of PCs , multimedia solutions for home and business based on the recently released Microsoft Video for Windows technology and applications using the new Microsoft Windows for Pens operating system .
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