Example sentences of "[coord] [noun pl] [coord] [verb] over " in BNC.

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1 Janice , from her vantage point , managed to catch the eye of a boy to whom she had spoken on the boat , and terrorized , fascinated , he responded to her insinuations and oglings and came over to ask her for the pleasure of her hand .
2 So it was to be expected that this sight should arouse some curiosity , and after putting their heads together the women put down their bowls and kettles and went over to ask the painter who was coming to live there .
3 We have the personal testimony of the South African Oxfam partner detained and tortured by security forces before being forced into exile ; the telex messages from Oxfam 's Mozambique office saying that South African-backed rebels have just burst into a hospital full of women and children and massacred over 400 ; and the telex that tells the dreary tale of Oxfam emergency relief trucks blown up by the agents of apartheid .
4 They filled the pews , stood at the back and sides and spilled over into a side chapel and the parish function room where the ceremony was relayed by video .
5 Follow the wall and markers and cross over the causeway .
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