Example sentences of "[coord] [noun pl] [prep] the time " in BNC.

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1 ‘ wilfully and indecently ’ 'Wilfully' can be proved from the accused 's own admission or from his comments or actions at the time of the offence .
2 Students living away from home are required to register with a doctor as they may require medical treatment at night or weekends outside the times of normal surgeries .
3 These objects were often used to exemplify the competing images of the Romantic and nobel primitive and the cannibalistic barbarian as suited the arguments or interests of the time .
4 These , it was argued , concern the correction of errors of fact or omissions at the time of birth .
5 But the contrast would seem at least as much to reflect the differing circumstances and attitudes of the times about which each was writing and in which each lived .
6 Lutyens and his friends , among them Sir Lawrence Weaver , Director Designate of the United Kingdom exhibits at the exhibition , quickly realised that the building of the dolls ' house could easily be integrated into this project , and would be an invaluable advertisement to promote the names and products of the top British designers , craftsmen and artists of the time .
7 Charged with meting out rights and privileges for all beings and entities at the time of Creation , he carried a small leather pouch on one hip containing the charms for immortality and reincarnation , while a large stone bucket to his other side contained materials for instigating death and decay .
8 But he had been bitten by the newspaper bug , and various groups of disaffected newspaper people , including disgruntled employees and ex-employees of The Times and the Sunday Times , approached him with a number of implausible journalistic ventures .
9 It must be stressed that these aspects can only be considered in the context of the tax rates and rules at the time .
10 MacCabe and Heath had studied in Paris , and Signs of the Times has its niche in postwar cultural history , marking the first major re-entry of French intellectual influences since Eliot 's adherence to Remy de Gourmont and the French neoclassicists , half a century earlier .
11 The same story could be read in an expanded and slightly modified form in the Historiae Philippicae by Trogus Pompeius , a Celt who retailed Massaliote traditions and nostalgias at the time of Augustus .
12 In fact , it can offer very considerable protection — against cancellation and losses from the time you leave home to your return .
13 Out of rock came a stance of the rock concert rebel , where the crises and contradictions of the times could be played out as theatre .
14 They accompany the eurypterid arthropods ( which may have preyed upon them ) , and we can visualize the rivers and lakes of the time thronging with the first invaders from the sea .
15 ‘ All the back-slapping and thanks at the time have been forgotten .
16 Another sign of attachment is the revival of the art of cameo-cutting , beginning with the commissions bestowed by popes , prelates and connoisseurs at the time of the Renaissance , persisting through the period of bourgeois dominance and continuing into the present age of enfranchisement even to the point at which resort has had to be made to substitute materials like shell or paste to satisfy a greatly enlarged market .
17 Such being the direct evidence for contacts between Greeks and Jews before the time of Alexander , we ask the obvious question : what did Greeks and Jews make of these various opportunities for meeting and knowing each other As for the Greeks , the answer is simple .
18 Interestingly , it was a man 's leg that was shown in the police demonstration photograph to avoid offending the decorum and susceptibilities of the time .
19 Did you go with you know your friends and comrades at the time ?
20 The stories in these comics reflected the social attitudes and aspirations of the times .
21 The historian , Minois , has delved systematically into the changing status of older people in history , and he has been able to link these changes to the dominant social ideas and circumstances of the time .
22 He was wearing a shirt and trousers at the time ; these were unmarked .
23 Erm attacking the social forms and customs of the time .
24 Can you recall your thoughts and feelings at the time ?
25 Indeed it is perhaps a pity that he did not take his own advice , after writing in the New Guide ‘ for the author of the present work might with greater ease , and probably with more advantage to himself , have worked up for the amusement of the eye a number of drawings and paintings during the time he has been engaged in this matter of mere utility ’ .
26 The exhibition which opens today at the Imperial War Museum features their letters and memories of the time , along with those of their fellow Atlantic evacuees .
27 Signals , sitreps and diaries of the time contain no hint that a massacre had taken place , or that Tito 's Yugoslavs at Bleiburg had in any way breached their assurances to Brig Scott , and this may be regarded as significant in assessing the extent to which 5 Corps subsequently continued to accept Yugoslav assurances that prisoners surrendered to them would not be indiscriminately killed .
28 The shares were the remainder of those allotted to Abbey National savers and borrowers at the time of its flotation .
29 For both historians and activists at the time , Labour 's defeat in the 1931 and MacDonald 's " betrayal " are inseparable …
30 Thanks to the ample marble supplies at their disposal , they perfected their craft constantly and asserted their skills by producing all kinds of sculpture that blended earlier sources of inspiration with trends , styles and techniques of the times in which they lived .
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