Example sentences of "[coord] [adj] [noun] take a " in BNC.

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1 In Discipline and Punish Foucault argues that state power and administrative control took a new and distinctive form from the late eighteenth century onwards .
2 Chub the main feeders and legered meat took a few fish to 4 lb at Mardon , Lugg Mill , Longworth Mill and Mordiford .
3 The National Trust and private owners take a leading part in preserving our almost unrivalled heritage .
4 The UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs took a special interest in these issues and a series of intensively-researched reports in the 1970s led to the creation of a Commission on Transnational Corporations and a research centre .
5 Many of my right hon. and hon. Friends take a more measured view , which I think would be much appreciated by our many Indian constituents .
6 The code , amending many existing laws on investment , taxation and licensing as part of a liberalization of the economy , was , according to a government statement , designed to " entice private and public investors of local and foreign origin to take a more active role in promoting the development of our national economy " .
7 Does the daughter who wants to go to a party where there will be unlimited alcohol have the confidence , sense and moral courage to take a different line , if necessary , from her friends ?
8 Research on collections is an important aspect of the work of museums but this partnership of the NMS with the University of St Andrews is an unusual and welcome opportunity to take a very wide view of a subject which embraces many different disciplines .
9 But that will only happen if and when holidaymakers use their consumer power to insist that hotels , tour operators and international airlines take an active role in minimising their impact on the environment .
10 In earlier centuries , excessive child-bearing and its short- and long-term consequences took a great toll among young women , but early in the twentieth century a fall in mortality from tuberculosis , somewhat later in maternal mortality , and the diseases particular to women 's reproductive functions , left males more vulnerable than females .
11 It was to have been the IRA 's biggest gun-running plot ever , but it was foiled because of what was called ‘ Operation Leprechaun ’ , where the CIA , our MI5 and Irish Intelligence took a healthy — or unhealthy , it all depends on your point of view — interest in the activities of Noraid , an Irish-American group that specialized — for all I know it may still be specializing — in buying American arms and shipping them to the IRA in Ireland .
12 ‘ You must take me as you find me ’ , ‘ A leopard ca n't change his spots ’ and other maxims take an essentially pessimistic view about the malleability of behaviour .
13 GOVERNMENT plans to cut the death rate from heart attacks , strokes and other illnesses took a step forward yesterday .
14 A brown sedge and floating line took a nice trout of 8lb 3ozs for Billy Stewart , Carrickfergus , while , Martin Coard , Belfast took a good brace at 7lb 12ozs and 6lb 8ozs on a Black Buzzer .
15 The solution , it seems , is for chief executives and senior managers to take a much stronger personal interest in the projects going on in their organisations .
16 What was interesting about that was that at the time John Brown got into financial difficulties the banks and institutional shareholders took a tough but very constructive view that it was worth helping the company through a reconstruction rather than forcing it into liquidation , which had been an attitude prevalent some years earlier .
17 early orders did not materialise , but Intercontinent Corp took a large share in Harlow Aircraft and bought three PC-5s as overseas demonstrators .
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