Example sentences of "[coord] [adj] [noun] [adv] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Practically all building materials are affected by one or a combination of the following : extremes of temperature dampness method of stacking or storing accidental or wilful damage avoidable or unavoidable wastage Sometimes deterioration may be difficult to detect and , perhaps even more important , actual realisable value may be negligible and in some cases negative , in that costs will be incurred in carting away .
2 Supporting or enclosing structures i.e. lift shafts and foundations masonry and brickwork upon which the plant rests and which need not be replaced if new plant is installed .
3 Do expenses include non-recurring items or non-standard items eg management charges , substantial pension payments , items of personal expenditure ( vendor 's gardener , golf club subscription etc ) , and research and marketing expenditure in advance of new product launches ? ( see Chapter 08 for a more complete list ) .
4 insist that your supermarket or local shops only stock goods in containers that can be returned or recycled
5 Feeding : It adapts well to the aquarium and should be fed on canned Norwegian brine shrimp and freeze-dried foods especially brine shrimp and Tubifex worms .
6 The translation of the English volume is erratic , and the captions ' format and content need more thought .
7 Mixtures of thymocytes and stromal cells rapidly reform ( within 12 hours ) into intact thymus lobes and were analysed for T-cell development in terms of lymphoid content and TCR , CD4 and CD8 expression after 9 days in culture ( Fig.2 ) .
8 To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Science what progress is being made with plans to give further education and sixth-form colleges more independence .
9 Her house was falling down , a tree growing out of the chimney , and purple buddleia all summer from the guttering and up over her windowsills .
10 They had been stolen in 1907 causing both the British and Irish authorities much embarrassment , especially since they had vanished on the eve of a royal visit .
11 King Ecgfrith was advised by Cuthbert , bishop of Lindisfarne , and presumably informed circles among the northern Angles not to invade Pictland in 685 ( HE IV , 26 ) , and Cuthbert 's personal familiarity with the Niduari Picts in Fib ( Fife ) affords a glimpse of the probably extensive contacts between northern Anglian circles and Pictish communities immediately north of the Forth .
12 But the people trying to implement policies remain human , and therefore fallible , like the rest of us ; cases of ‘ indiscipline ’ , corruption and general inefficiency now surface with embarrassing frequency .
13 As women take greater advantage of educational and occupational opportunities so sex differences in the level of criminal activity may diminish .
14 In several European countries they are allowing insurance companies and other institutions more scope to invest in custom-tailored private placements .
15 In other ways , however , there is a continuity in these policies , especially in so far as inner-city and urban initiatives specifically target defined spatial areas and direct resources deliberately towards them through special schemes .
16 Before Cameron and Menzies left they had written down lists of safe houses , sources of milk and meal , and secure points further west .
17 True marine conditions probably prevailed only in the north of the Fens but brackish conditions further south are witnessed by some of the fossils .
18 Similar legal provisions exist in Germany and Japan but big firms rarely resort to them .
19 We have a whole host of policies , some of which give guidance on erm controls in the open countryside but other ones actually sort of seek a more positive attitude to the problems and the needs of rural diversification .
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