Example sentences of "[coord] [art] few [noun pl] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 In this country it is only the older , the inherited rich or a few intellectuals who are relaxed enough to think about the unprivileged .
2 Daddy gone , Sambo gone , Mrs Dibdin gone — and the few relics we had left from the olden days all sold , and the house up for sale … ’
3 The definition ‘ Bangladeshi ’ refers to infants whose mothers were born in Bangladesh , and the few mothers who were born or grew up in Britain .
4 The nurses and the few mothers who had managed to be available on Christmas Eve sang ragged and loud .
5 The State Department appears to have been riven between ‘ Arabists ’ and the few analysts who , like Mr Teicher , considered that Israel might prove at least as valuable a strategic ally as Iran , Iraq or Saudi Arabia .
6 We still use the old byre for milking and the few cows I keep do n't call for a new mechanical milker .
7 As early as 1910 , Mercereau had sent to Russia an exhibition of works by Gleizes , Metzinger and Le Fauconnier , and a few artists whose aims he felt to be similar .
8 In which case there would be no capital for him to start up again other than Tommy 's back pay and a few pounds he 'd managed to save himself .
9 The examples of ( 32 ) are simply associatives , as treated above in Chapter 2 : ( 32 ) a criminal lawyer subterranean explorer electrical worker 6.6 This leaves us with a small number of other phrases such as those in ( 33 ) , which turn out to be worth further investigation : ( 33 ) a true poet our late president a sheer fraud a real friend the future king my old school We certainly agree that there is an intuitively different " feel " to these , and a few others which can be found in the corps of English adjectives , and we would agree also that this has something to do with the distinction between referent ( or entity ) and sense ; however , we can not agree with Bolinger 's verdict that they are adjectives which qualify sense only .
10 No one can deny that thanks to Champollion and a few others we have succeeded in reading Egyptian hieroglyphics and that we know , in most cases , what they mean .
11 In the event , there were a few who wished to leave , and a few others who decided that other initial choices had been mistaken , and who wished to join .
12 I and a few others who only that morning had begun to look forward to a peaceful summer ahead , swiftly concluded that we must make some gesture of our own in order to demonstrate the feelings of many of our fellow conservative Members of Parliament .
13 All he owned were the clothes on his back and a few cassettes which I 'd partly paid for anyway .
14 So serene , in fact , that after we 'd had a meal at the bungalow and a few drinks my mother did something she 'd never done before .
15 He would imagine the dead bodies of some pop stars he had admired , his mother , and a few pets he had owned as a boy .
16 Sam spent the next morning poking his broom everywhere it was wanted and a few places it was n't until he had swept up several titbits of very interesting information .
17 Within two minutes the mob had completely dispersed , with the exception of the odd copper or two and a few stragglers who were loth to leave the scene of all the fun .
18 I touched my swollen lips and my ears and had a roll-call of my limbs , but apart from my hand , an incipient black eye and a few abrasions there was n't much evidence of my encounter with Russian free enterprise and Soviet cavalry .
19 And every few hours I 'd get more shots .
20 Although he had not recognized her immediately Fleury had noticed Chloe a moment earlier as she came trotting into the clearing ; since he had last set eyes on her Chloe 's golden curls had grown foul and matted and in places mange had already begun to remove them ; a cloud of flies followed her and every few yards she stopped to scratch .
21 And there were other things ; saliva drooled from her lips and every few seconds she gave a retching cough .
22 But the few houses they passed seemed to have their doors locked and bolted and their windows shuttered .
23 There were not many trees in the poorer part of the city but the few trees there were , preserved to give shade in the little squares , were full of birds .
24 I remember once , yeah it was like that , yeah that 's right , not one , but a few times I used to get on the train from Runcorn to Liverpool , I had an address to go to in Liverpool , rough directions how to get there , to pick up a suit or to pick up a fitting , you know you 'd get the , the different
25 In all but a few cases their treason had been petty , enlisting in the German ranks after being taken prisoner or something of that sort .
26 But a few comments which seem to be apposite erm , we do n't want to kill animals with cruelty do we not ?
27 He was reading a newspaper , but every few minutes he looked up from it , to talk to me .
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