Example sentences of "[coord] [prep] them [pron] [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 When he crossed the Glen it would be in his own good time , and with an eye to what prizes were left alive for the taking , and for them he would fight as doughtily as any man if he must .
2 Nobody else in this dive has any money , and for them it will he a long cold evening .
3 The unpainted doors were padlocked and above them he could vaguely make out the name Strauss , the paintwork having been abraded over the years by the weather .
4 Many hundreds of casts of these human fossils have since been made , and from them we can learn a good deal about the last appalling hours in the life of Pompeii .
5 So if some 500 million years ago , an astronaut , from some other planet passed near the earth , he could easily have noticed in the blue seas , a few new and mysterious turquoise shapes ; and from them he might have guessed that life on earth had really started .
6 It 's a sort of primitive law of survival — find someone worse off than yourself and beside them you will blossom .
7 And without them we could n't function properly .
8 The approaching flames were nearer now , and beyond them he could see the villagers trying to peer through the smoke to make out what was happening .
9 He was speaking to someone and beyond them I could see a brightly lit room with vast chandeliers and women in white dresses .
10 They may not be the best of friends , but between them they can quite well be left in charge of Harry and Hillmarden for a few days . ’
11 His fingers met the soft , masking texture of cloth , but beneath them he could feel her warmth , the firm softness of her sex .
12 Regulations about auditing pension funds hinder profitability , but without them nobody would get a fair pension .
13 But without them it will look much better , I promise , and if we take out these awful shoulder-pads … ’
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