Example sentences of "[coord] [prep] a [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 For a widow or for a chronically sick parent with three children , the total loss is almost £20 or £1,030 per annum .
2 For all three authors the ultimate source of royal authority is not God , or tradition , but the people , whether through some original popular decision to set up a monarchy , or through a constantly renewed popular choice of rulers .
3 We are probably wrong , however , to see this as happening on a large scale or as a particularly significant development in many areas .
4 Hathor is depicted either as a beautiful young woman or as a rather sad cow .
5 Since the role of subjective risk is of particular importance in theories of driving , one part of this question is simply whether drivers are aware of subjective risk , either as a feeling which is occasionally present in immediately dangerous situations but otherwise non-existent ( consistent with a zero-risk theory of driving ) or as a continually fluctuating level which they can be aware of when questioned and which they attempt to match to some target level ( consistent with RHT ) .
6 The minimal lesion may appear histologically normal , or as a virtually normal biopsy with a high count of villus intraepithelial lymphocytes ; the fully expressed lesion is a flat mucosa with crypt hyperplasia , typical of coeliac disease .
7 This takes two major forms : either as a monster or as a pathetically funny being .
8 Hence there is a painful dilemma for the policy-maker between treating a problem as a black box which will not go away but whose size does not seem intimidating and is amenable to exorcism by benign rhetoric and minor policy adjustments ; or as a more diffuse , analytically complex and sophisticated explanation of why most of the problems exist .
9 If the choices are between understanding policy making as a pure exercise in rational decision making , as the putting into practice of ideologies , or as a quite incoherent process of bargaining and muddling through , it is sensible to reject each alternative .
10 It could go as a joint European-American force , or as a purely European one .
11 In a patient presenting late or after a particularly large overdose recognition of the onset of liver failure is crucial .
12 After all , it was a masque , and I wanted , or after a very short while began to want , to play my part .
13 In this case , it is not unusual for them to decide to get another dog to keep their first dog company , and this is where the problems can arise — especially if the second dog is younger , or of a more submissive character .
14 It is unclear though whether cross-cultural differences in outcome are mainly the result of different family structures or of a more complicated cluster of culturally related variables .
15 The more remote the locality from the main network of political and other communications , the more likelihood there was of unorthodox behaviour , whether of a passive kind , as in the recesses of the gubernii of Smolensk or Kursk , or of a more menacing nature , as with the Tambov and Siberian peasant revolts .
16 Routine thinking throws up no ideas about how to work on or round or against a seemingly impossible situation — which reaffirms powerlessness .
17 Although short sticks can be used to jab at close range , longer sticks and chains become almost useless when there is no room to swing them in , or against a very close opponent .
18 Story then becomes revised into recitation or into a deliberately implausible sequence against which the narrative voice can play .
19 When eating on your own or with the family , serve a variety of crudités ( raw vegetables ) soaked in lemon juice or with a little reduced calorie mayonnaise as a dip .
20 Usually the moment of insight came with Chaplin or with a brilliantly stunning film such as Murnau 's Sunrise but perhaps it was the quality of the acting which did more than anything to suggest that the feature film had become significant .
21 Advertisements may range in size from a small window notice to a massive hoarding ; they vary in purpose from a bus stop sign to the demand to buy a certain make of detergent ; they could be situated alongside a cathedral , in a busy shopping street , or in a particularly beautiful rural setting ; they might be pleasant or obnoxious to look at ; they might be temporary or permanent ; and so on .
22 Words were either presented in the correct order ( shown above ) , or in a completely random order .
23 Mr. Tecks submitted that the European Court of Justice authorities , cited below , show that the crucial words refer to obligations which have their basis in contract or in a closely similar nexus such as that existing between an association and its members , so that the matters in question must be contractual or closely akin to contractual .
24 5 million ) indicates that a far higher proportion of children spend part of their childhood in a lone-parent family than such a figure indicates , and that some children may spend repeated periods of time in a lone parent family , or in a newly constituted family .
25 In such cases , Hansard has frequently been referred to with a view to ascertaining whether a statutory power has been improperly exercised for an alien purpose or in a wholly unreasonable manner .
26 Ortega announced on Nov. 8 that a total of 5,000 officers would be retired in order to bring the full complement of the People 's Sandinista Army ( EPS ) down to 28,000 " immediately or in a very short time " .
27 They have full jurisdiction to say : ‘ We are satisfied that there is a nuisance here , but we are not going to order you to do what the local authority say you are to do because we think it can be done in another and cheaper way or in a more effective way ’ .
28 But aside from this there are ample remedies to ensure that the Director 's powers are not abused , either at long range through the medium of judicial review , or in a more peremptory manner through the power of the trial judge to ensure that the conduct of the trial is fair .
29 To equate the will of the people with the will of the majority may often be a justifiable piece of political shorthand ; but those in a minority , whether it be on a particular issue or in a more long-term and fundamental way , are always entitled to remind the rest of society that they too are part of " the people " .
30 But the roads on which he drives it also go through most of the art produced in the last half century — shall we say for the sake of convenience , since the death of Trotsky ; or in a more apt frame of reference , since Guernica ?
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