Example sentences of "[coord] [prep] work [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 You will have the opportunity to participate in the students ' learning processes , for example , through acting as a consultant to a Mini-Enterprise , or through working alongside teachers on the production and delivery of materials and lessons .
2 Specialisation could be in terms of industry , for instance , financial services ; experience in a particular area of banking ; in high technology ; in consumer products ; in working for the international general consultancies ; or in working in chemicals , engineering or pharmaceuticals .
3 The interviews were around a series of suggested topics : ‘ The say that you have in decisions which affect young disabled people 's education and lives , and what limits the say that you have ’ ; ‘ The say that others have ’ ; ‘ The say that young people themselves have ’ ; ‘ The implications of ‘ disability ’ on the decision-making that determines young people 's education and lives ’ ; and ‘ What you see as the main priorities in terms of who has what say and in working with others in future decisions . ’
4 The Government and security forces will continue to meet their responsibility to bring terrorism to an end within the rule of law by pursuing a firm and resolute security policy and by working for progress in the political , economic and social fields .
5 It is only by establishing and maintaining development programmes and by working in conjunction with families , with communities and with governments that we can begin to achieve lasting improvements which tackle the root causes of the poverty and inequality that threaten so many children .
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