Example sentences of "[coord] [prep] [verb] [pers pn] with " in BNC.

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1 A GIS is capable of identifying such slivers and allowing the user the choice of leaving them as they are or of replacing them with an average boundary position .
2 To decorate a dish of smoked salmon , so beautiful in itself , with lettuce leaves , or to strew it with tufts of cress , is not to make that salmon which has cost 38s. a pound look as if it cost £3 , but to belittle it so that you begin to feel it is some bargain basement left-over which needs to be disguised .
3 One collects them by climbing the tree or by poking them with a long stick .
4 What are the prospects of obtaining a quantum theory of gravity and of unifying it with the other three categories of interactions ?
5 The didactic approach of preaching to ‘ learners ’ ( rather than ‘ students ’ ) and of spoonfeeding them with preset values and objectives is gradually being replaced by a much more human approach where students are enabled to question and study , and to add to knowledge themselves as they extract the best from individual learning experiences .
6 Kosovo was in favour of democratic centralism , Morina said , and against replacing it with multiparty elections , since pluralism would lead to dangerous divisions between nationalities .
7 In using them in classrooms and in discussing them with colleagues , teachers will change them , replace them , and develop their own , more immediate to their own teaching circumstances .
8 At first he took an exuberant delight in the books and in embellishing them with fantastic quasi-scientific detail , for , after the slapstick of his first book with its visit to the comic African court of the Jolliginki where the black Prince Bumpo yearns to be white , the tone is increasingly sophisticated and inventive .
9 In summary then the difficulties for the Archive lie in trying to identify users ’ needs and in providing them with the appropriate service on a range from an on-line determined access ( in which the Archive itself is relatively ‘ transparent ’ ) through to a supportive guided approach .
10 Castro scored a great propaganda victory as the official American role in training the exile force , and in providing it with air cover in unmarked planes , became clear .
11 A friend of Apollinaire , Soffici was possibly the only man in Italy at the time with a clear idea of Cubism and its aims , and in contrasting it with the work of the young Futurists no doubt felt that his strictures were justified .
12 And by combining them with aerobics , you can achieve even greater success — in fact , a fitness level and a beautiful body which you never previously dreamed of being able to attain .
13 And by combining them with any of the rather healthy range of foods from Weight Watchers from Heinz , your picnic basket will be the only thing bursting this summer .
14 ( viii ) Pupils should be taught to help the reader by leaving a space between words and by ending sentences with a full stop or question mark and by beginning them with a capital letter .
15 Psychometric testers have no doubt that they can construct a profile of your personality and aptitudes by asking 1,000 questions during a four-hour session , and by following them with an intensive two-hour interview with an occupational psychologist .
16 Bureaucratic autonomy will be sought by giving agencies functional responsibilities rather than clienteles and by staffing them with specialized professionals with their own values .
17 Even the attempted revisions of the discipline associated with the Scrutiny programme have failed due to its lack of positive practical goals : " False ideals are not destroyed merely by seeing through their linguistic dress , but by opposing them with stronger and better ones . "
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