Example sentences of "[coord] [noun sg] [verb] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Schorne 's real fame in picture and text lay invariably in his exploit of trapping the Devil in his boot , but what , if any , incident or allegory underlay this celebration remains completely obscure .
2 Where they could , they increased the proportion of their wholly or majority owned foreign affiliates between 1977 and 1982 ( Contractor , 1990a ) .
3 Few of us have the time , training , or expertise to do this job properly , even if it were possible to do it for a population as small as 10 000 people — which it is not .
4 The Environmental Protection Act requires the installation of new pollution abatement equipment , and despite assurances by David Trippier , Minister of State for the Environment , the federation is concerned that neither HM Pollution Inspectorate nor local authorities have adequate staff or expertise to advise individual companies on how the legislation will affect them .
5 The masses just do not have the information or expertise to interpret social problems , let alone to propose solutions for them .
6 If , for instance , guests used a swimming pool at a hotel after dark , it is clear that they have by so doing stepped outside the scope of their invitation or permission to use that part of the premises , and a duty is not owed to them .
7 ( It may seem ironical that the initial question of whether the case should go to arbitration or trial involved three hearings — two in the county court and one in the Court of Appeal . )
8 There is a tricuspid or heart shaped apical papilla flanked on each side by two distal oral papillae , which arise on the adoral shields occasionally the more distal one is divided making it appear as two papillae .
9 There is a pointed or heart shaped apical papilla with one pointed oral papilla on each side usually arising on the oral plates .
10 This is because activities that run counter to expected norms need seclusion or invisibility to permit unsanctioned performance , and because the peculiar identities are sometimes impossible to realise in the absence of the appropriate setting .
11 A main remedy for croup , especially if it follows taking cold or exposure to dry cold winds I or 2 days previously .
12 L 379 , p. 1 ) , according to which the levying of any customs duty or charge having equivalent effect and the application of any quantitative restriction or measure having equivalent effect were prohibited in the internal trade of the Community ; ( c ) article 8(1) of that Regulation , which , as regards the payment of an indemnity to producers who were not members of a producers ' organisation , provided that such an indemnity was to be granted without discrimination as to the nationality or place of establishment of the recipients ; ( d ) article 27(2) of that Regulation , which laid down for all fishing vessels flying the flag of one of the member states the principle of equal access to ports and first-stage marketing installations in the other member states ; ( e ) article 5(2) of Regulation ( E.E.C. ) No. 170/83 , which authorised the member states to determine the detailed rules for the utilisation of the quotas allocated to them , in accordance with the applicable Community provisions ; and ( f ) article 13(2) of Council Regulation ( E.E.C. ) No. 3094/86 laying down certain technical measures for the conservation of fishery resources ( Official Journal 1986 No .
13 HM Inspectors of Factories or Agriculture visit many types of workplace , and have to deal with a wide range of technical and legislative problems .
14 I do n't think there is any shortage of venture capital or money to back good propositions .
15 But there needs to be a commitment on the part of the college or course to give more time and greater attention to music 's role in worship .
16 The reason the market economy or catallaxy produces fresh wealth rather than simply redistributing existing wealth is critically bound up with the way in which market prices act as signals containing vital information .
17 ‘ I have always been interested in woodwork but do n't have the artistic skills or patience to make fine furniture , ’ he said .
18 So evidence ( whether behavioural or biological ) of a creature 's ability or inability to perform certain computations could count as theoretical grounds for ascribing or denying experiences of certain types to it .
19 As Darwin knew , the usual criteria for specific rather than mere varietal distinctions were those that Swedes and Italians do not satisfy , but lions and tigers do : namely , true breeding , lack of intermediate forms and unwillingness or inability to produce fertile hybrids on crossing .
20 It follows that , except in a case where either the common law or statute allows instant dismissal ( e.g. , for gross misconduct ) , a lecturer can only be dismissed for good cause after being given three months ' notice ( though the lecturer can terminate the agreement on three months ' notice without any reason being assigned ) .
21 A poetic context can also condition the reader or hearer to accept grammatical deviance , especially if syntactic well-formedness is clearly being sacrificed to some higher aesthetic end , such as the maintenance of rhyme , or metre , or some other patterning .
22 The hydroxyl radicals produced in reaction ( 2 ) can react with carbon monoxide or methane to yield peroxy radicals , for example HO 2 ; these can then react with ozone , as can hydroxyl , leading to further ozone destruction :
23 And this , according to Brian Baxter , is all the work of Terence Davies , a ‘ potentially great artist ’ who has ‘ evoked memories and then shaped them , as a painter or poet distills such images , into a coherent whole ( Films and Filming , October 1988 ) .
24 In this country , a debate on runaway children in the House of Commons records ‘ There is no comprehensive policy or practice covering runaway children ’ ( Hansard , 1986 ) .
25 Watching wife or lover having sexual relations with someone else .
26 The power of the sun would then be harvested by an array of silicon or gallium arsenide solar cells and then beamed back to earth by microwave and converted into low-frequency , alternating current electricity and fed into the USA 's grid .
27 It may be obvious , as with lead shot from shooting or fishing producing elevated levels of Pb +&plus Sn +&plus Sb , batteries ( Pb +&plus Sb ) and brass ( Cu +&plus Zn ) but sometimes it may be more subtle where agricultural chemicals ( for example U in phosphates ) have been used on a wide scale .
28 The Greeks were too busy celebrating their victories against the Celts in verse or marble to give serious thought to the causes of such commotions .
29 In the late forties and the early fifties , every new member of the Wine and Food Society received , together with a copy of the current number of the Society 's quarterly magazine and a membership card , a pamphlet entitled Pottery , or Home Made Potted Foods , Meat and Fish Pastes , Savoury Butters and Others .
30 Unless you are a great actor or orator avoid any verse over four lines long .
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