Example sentences of "[coord] [noun sg] [adv] take [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Since under Israeli law a minister 's dismissal or resignation only took effect 48 hours after the initial announcement was made , Shamir left just enough time to clear the Cabinet of Labour ministers before the Knesset vote .
2 The effectiveness of these centralized procedures is demonstrated in the management of the major programme of changes in curriculum and assessment currently taking place in Scotland .
3 As ( on the evidence of last summer at any rate ) there is no one to match them in the art of swishing across the line and bowling not to take wickets , England are probably favourites to win it .
4 That was done and completion actually took place is pleaded as the twenty second of November , the er defendants admit completion took place on or about the twenty fifth of November .
5 The story of the purchase of Sarah 's burial plot is comedy , and comedy frequently takes delight in debunking heroes .
6 I work at a distribution centre , where there is continuous shiftwork , which means that women and men are walking home at all hours of day and night often taking short-cuts across playing fields and waste land , totally unaware of the potential dangers .
7 General vineyard maintenance of wires , stakes and machinery also takes place and , at the same time , the vines are secured to their training frames .
8 Debt-free and so not hampered by high interest rates , they are nimble enough and liquid enough to take advantage of the recession .
9 But Welsh and English alike took care to put their valuables and their armour , if they had any , safely under lock and key , for if the returning troops were to be billeted in the town , even for a few nights , there would certainly be some looting , and no sane burgess was so loyal a king 's man as to be complacent about losing goods and gear without a struggle to preserve them .
10 Supper and entertainment still take place after the match , with many of the diners dressing in Victorian fashions .
11 But Parliament also took account of the fact that the Crown can only act through its officers or servants .
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