Example sentences of "[coord] [vb -s] a [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The government also orders , or turns a blind eye to , more violent methods of keeping opponents quiet .
2 In the United Kingdom there is no such positive statement of this right , although at common law an assembly or procession is not unlawful per se , unless , for example , it causes an obstruction or constitutes a public nuisance .
3 Lord Simon showed what a difficult concept this is when he reviewed various possible definitions of " quasi-arbitrator " in Arenson v Casson Beckman Rutley & Co [ 1975 ] 3 WLR 815 at 824 G. He said that it could mean ( 1 ) a third party whose duty it is , in deciding a question , to " hold the scales fairly " and who is " likely to be shot at by both sides " this was formulated three different ways ; or ( 2 ) " an arbitrator at common law in contradistinction from one under the Arbitration Act 1950 " [ an obscure conceptpresumably only for oral arbitration agreements or agreements specifically excluding the operation of the Act ] ; or ( 3 ) " a person who is not an arbitrator under the Arbitration Act 1950 but nevertheless acts in a judicial capacity or character or fulfills a judicial function . "
4 This relates to the extent to which the unit produces a financial benefit or imposes a financial burden on the oversight unit .
5 A defendant 's costs order may also be made in the following circumstances : ( 1 ) by a magistrates ' court where an information has been laid before magistrates but not proceeded with ; or where the magistrates ' court inquiring into an indictable offence as examining justices determines not to commit the accused for trial ; ( 2 ) by the Crown Court where the defendant is not tried for an offence for which he or she had been indicted or committed for trial ; or the defendant who has been convicted of an offence before a magistrates ' court appeals against conviction or sentence and , in consequence of that appeal , the conviction is set aside or a less severe punishment is awarded ; ( 3 ) by the Divisional Court where it deals with any criminal appeal ; ( 4 ) by the Court of Appeal where it allows an appeal against conviction or sentence or on such an appeal finds the defendant guilty of a different offence or imposes a different sentence ; ( 5 ) by the House of Lords where it determines a criminal appeal , or application for leave to appeal .
6 She has a new ‘ friend ’ … separated & has a little boy and that makes me sad too … for their family … again , I ask no questions .
7 When a constable gives directions to a tourist , for example , or rescues a stranded cat from a tree , he is performing the sort of social service that the police are nowadays expected to undertake .
8 This field either contains the PSN of the last entry in this bundle assigned on that basis ( restricting the range of the search ) or contains a negative value indicating that there are no more entries of the kind in this bundle .
9 Provided that the authority adopts a meaning which is reasonable or has a rational basis the courts could accept that interpretation , even if it did not accord with the precise meaning which they would have ascribed .
10 The freeholder of the land has the right of entry whether the occupant of the flat is renting by the week or has a 99-year lease .
11 The various classes of ordinary business investor are : ( 1 ) A company that has , or has a holding company or subsidiary that has , net assets or a called up share capital of £5,000,000 ( or , if it or a holding company has over 20 members , £500,000 ) ; quoted companies and their subsidiaries are therefore almost always ordinary business investors .
12 Families sometimes identify one person as the logical carer , because the person is the oldest , youngest , or has a part-time job .
13 5.1 If at any time before completion of the Lease the Tenant ( being an individual ) dies or has a receiving order made against him or is adjudicated bankrupt or ( being a company ) has a petition presented for its winding up or goes into liquidation or ( in either case ) enters into a composition with his or its creditors then the provisions of clause 5.4 shall have effect immediately
14 To direct the beam of light precisely where you want it , choose a fitting that takes narrow-beam reflector bulbs or has a narrow-beam reflector in the fitting .
15 While full demilitarisation prohibits military installations , the maintenance of armed forces , the conduct of manoeuvres or undertaking other military activity , partial demilitarisation either forbids a distinct form of armed activity or establishes a limited level of armaments .
16 A law which regulates the ability of a local authority to display venereal disease posters in public places is given the same weighting as a law which expands the welfare state substantially through the provision of free school education or establishes a free health service .
17 Other sources of external debt arise where non-residents purchase local bonds , or a non-resident corporation extends credit to a domestic corporation or establishes a subsidiary plant .
18 Having slugged back a glass of plum brandy , she says : ‘ I 'm a good Christian , but I 'll not turn the other cheek if some Albanian plucks out the eyes of a fellow Serb , or rapes a little girl , or castrates a 12-year-old Serbian boy …
19 Travelling can thus indicate the headlong tempo of the narrative or , in its twists and turns , a principle of sequence by digression — not from a ‘ main action ’ , but simply digression from what immediately precedes or succeeds a particular section .
20 The solution will bubble up immediately and sprinkling should be continued until it overflows to drain , if fitted , or reaches a stable level at the lip of the well .
21 Aggro is likely to be considered appropriate in situations where opposing fans attempt a territorial invasion of their rivals ' ‘ end ’ ; where one hooligan fan stares at , or adopts a threatening posture towards an opponent , or calls him a demasculatory name , such as ‘ cunt ’ , ‘ wanker ’ , or ‘ poofta ’ .
22 5.9.10 Within [ 28 ] days of any assignment charge underlease or sub-underlease or any transmission or other devolution relating to the Premises to produce for registration with the Landlord 's solicitor such deed or document [ or a certified copy of it ] and to pay the Landlord 's solicitor 's [ charges of [ £20 ( twenty pounds ) ] for the registration of every such document or reasonable charges for the registration of every such document such charges not being less than [ £20 ( twenty pounds ) ] ] [ 5.9.11 Notwithstanding clause 5.9.1 the Tenant may share the occupation of the whole or any part of the Premises with a company which is a member of the same group as the Tenant ( within the meaning of Section 42 of the 1954 Act ) for so long as both companies shall remain members of that group and otherwise than in a manner that transfers or creates a legal estate ] On the one hand , the tenant will wish to deal with the premises in the most cost effective manner , even if this means subletting parts and , on the other hand , the landlord will wish to exercise fairly strict control over alienation , first by ensuring that any assignee is able to pay the rents reserved by the lease and perform the tenant 's obligations under it , and second by ensuring that at the end of the term the landlord is not left with a subtenant of a small part of the premises , which could affect the value of the landlord 's interest in the whole .
23 5.9.10 Within [ 28 ] days of any assignment charge underlease or sub-underlease or any transmission or other devolution relating to the Premises to produce for registration with the Landlord 's solicitor such deed or document [ or a certified copy of it ] and to pay the Landlord 's solicitor 's [ charges of [ £20 ( twenty pounds ) ] for the registration of every such document or reasonable charges for the registration of every such document such charges not being less than [ £20 ( twenty pounds ) ] ] [ 5.9.11 Notwithstanding clause 5.9.1 the Tenant may share the occupation of the whole or any part of the Premises with a company which is a member of the same group as the Tenant ( within the meaning of Section 42 of the 1954 Act ) for so long as both companies shall remain members of that group and otherwise than in a manner that transfers or creates a legal estate ] As well as a joint occupation clause , the tenant should consider including a provision permitting the tenant to share the premises with franchisees where the premises are sufficiently large and the tenant 's business could accommodate such trading operations , eg :
24 Some bad habits that horses acquire may be learnt ‘ passively ’ : they are caused by faulty training or poor riding , and no one may be aware of them until the horse changes hands or gets a new rider .
25 One issue of interpretation is the extent to which the exchange , given its central role , shares or acknowledges a particular market view of what its rules mean .
26 When someone complains that he has a toothache , or attributes a similar condition to another person , what exactly is he saying ?
27 Anyone who boards a certain ferry or walks down a certain street or enters a certain building or goes through a certain door disappears for ever into that other city . ’
28 Where family planning is not widely practised , as in the overwhelming majority of developing countries , the age at which a woman first marries or enters a conjugal union determines in large measure the age at which she bears her first child .
29 Lots of affection and praise should be given when the pup is good , or performs a new task successfully .
30 It will be incompatible if it creates or strengthens a dominant position as a result of which effective competition would be significantly impeded in the Common Market or in a substantial part of it .
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