Example sentences of "[coord] [vb -s] a [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Where a person designs , manufactures , imports or supplies an article for or to another on the basis of a written undertaking by that other to take specified steps sufficient to ensure , so far as is reasonably practicable , that the article will be safe and without risks to health when properly used , the undertaking shall have the effect of relieving the first-mentioned person from the duty imposed by paragraph ( 1 ) ( a ) to such extent as is reasonable having regard to the terms of the undertaking . ’
2 In this context it is worth recalling the long-established case law on the judicial review of a Community institution 's discretion where ‘ the evaluation of a complex economic situation ’ is involved : the Court must confine itself to examining whether the exercise of the discretion contains a manifest error , or constitutes a misuse of power or whether the institution did not ‘ clearly ’ exceed the bounds of its discretion .
3 Whether the day follows a pattern of group discussion alone or involves an element of competitiveness by dividing the overall group into smaller groups with set targets to achieve , you should bear in mind a few good rules .
4 The fact that a child is weaned early ( or undergoes a period of separation , or has minimal brain damage , or loses a parent through death ) will not by itself tell one about the eventual outcome .
5 A person is guilty of assault if he intentionally or recklessly — ( a ) applies force to or causes an impact on the body of another ; or ( b ) causes another to believe that any such force or impact is imminent , without the consent of the other or , where the act is likely or intended to cause personal harm , with or without consent .
6 No one makes petitions or starts a search for their whereabouts .
7 If you think about and watch the settings of your child 's behaviour , it may be that he or she behaves in a non-compliant way , or has a tantrum on some occasions but not others ; that is , some situations seem to act as cues for him or her to behave in a particular way .
8 Some of this work has been informed from personal experience either because of being physically challenged or from having worked as a therapist , as an artist in residence within a hospital complex , in a mental institution , or has a counsellor in a hospice .
9 The woman who is fearful of or has an aversion to sex at 30 , unless some remedial circumstance intervenes , will be still more so at 70 .
10 There is no convincing evidence that advertising influences total consumption or has an impact on levels of alcohol abuse .
11 The fact that a child is weaned early ( or undergoes a period of separation , or has minimal brain damage , or loses a parent through death ) will not by itself tell one about the eventual outcome .
12 When the button is pressed and pressure is released , the Polygas propellant desorbs from the sponge and operates a piston or compresses a bag of the product .
13 Whenever the syntax is broken ( for example , if the editor permits a ‘ jump-cut ’ , or allows movement to ‘ cross the line ’ , or allows a camera to ‘ zoom back ’ on objects which are coming closer ) , the viewer is disorientated .
14 Anyone who kills or traps an animal after being warned away by a Brown Man will become very dizzy and lose all sense of direction .
15 Where the offer is for cash or includes an element of cash , the offer document must include confirmation by an appropriate third party ( eg the offeror 's bank or financial adviser ) that the offeror has sufficient resources to satisfy acceptances of the offer in full ( although , in exceptional circumstances , with the consent of the Panel , a conditional form of confirmation may be allowed if the provision of cash is subject to the fulfilment of certain conditions ) ( Rule 24.7 ) .
16 An institution is said to ‘ issue ’ a CD when it accepts a deposit and to ‘ hold ’ a CD when it itself makes a deposit or buys a certificate in the secondary market .
17 Jane Rowe 's study of children in long-term foster care reinforces my view that social work practice often actually creates or increases a sense of insecurity .
18 Each student either selects a special subject from among these fields of study or takes a course in Japanese language .
19 If the traveller looks out of his car or train window or takes a walk along his local brook and bears in mind what a river should look like , he can not fail to notice , in many places , mile upon mile of treeless river bank , often devoid of even a decent margin of bulrush .
20 Apart from a general limitation relating to development which ‘ requires or involves the formation , laying out or material widening of a means of access to an existing highway which is a trunk or classified road or creates an obstruction to the view of persons using any highway by vehicular traffic at or near any bend , corner , junction or intersection so as to be likely to cause danger to such persons , particular conditions are also laid down for each of the different classes of development listed .
21 Unless the seller commits a breach of condition or commits a breach of warranty which is so serious as to deprive the buyer of substantially the whole benefit of the contract , the buyer has no right to reject the goods or recover the price ( see paragraph 7–04 above ) .
22 The person who acts like a chicken or conducts an orchestra for the stage hypnotist may be play acting , or he may genuinely feel that it is the hypnotist , not himself , who is taking responsibility for his actions .
23 The dopant adds , or removes an electron from the polymer , so the soliton and the dopant molecule are oppositely charged .
24 The upshot is a version of what is known as preference utilitarianism , for which what counts in favour of an act is not that it promotes a kind of experience known as pleasure or prevents a kind of experience called pain , but that it provides people with what they would prefer to have and prevents their having what they would prefer not to have .
25 Section 16(2) provides : [ t ] he cases in which a pecuniary advantage … is to be regarded as obtained for a person are cases where — ( b ) he is allowed to borrow by way of overdraft , or to take out any policy of insurance or annuity contract , or obtains an improvement of the terms on which he is allowed to do so ; or
26 If the care worker believes the young person is at risk or presents a risk to others they now may take action to physically stop the individual leaving the home .
27 1.58 It is not enough for the defendant to argue that he denies liability or denies a conviction in his defence ; he must also show that his grounds for doing so are sufficiently strong to put the plaintiff at risk of either complete or substantial failure at trial or that , on the face of it , the plaintiff 's claim is not worth very much even on full liability .
28 A technique for ensuring pupil participation , in which one student asks a question or makes a statement to the student seated next to him , who in turn makes a statement or asks a question of the student seated next to him .
29 Now nice abbreviation for thought patterns is thop T H O P when we talk about thought patterns or thops a method of gathering ideas a meth a method of getting things down on paper so we do n't lose them but not in a linear way in a spatial way a right brain activity .
30 Her sense of time is utterly bewitching : she floats phrases across bar-lines , stretches vowel sounds or shrinks a line in such a way that indifferent melodies are made to sound stronger than they are .
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