Example sentences of "[coord] [vb -s] at [det] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The total form of a person 's language that he knows and uses at any stage of his development .
2 The resort is only 20 years old and grabs at any chance for a celebrity to add sparkle to its budding image as the Florida of the Nineties .
3 It does not matter why a State has failed to become a party to a treaty , or whether it is eligible to become a party and intends at some time to do so .
4 Dobb 's book , Save the Dolphins , describes a lengthy and tender relationship that developed between Donald and a woman trainer Maura Mitchell , which included croonings and cuddles at each meeting , during which Donald would shut his eyes .
5 The established , and now publicized , fact that women 's sexual capacity increases with age , at least until the late twenties , and stays at this peak for decades , while men 's is already declining , came as a shock both to men , who suddenly discovered they were the unlucky sex , and to women who had not realized what they had been missing .
6 The driver honks and honks at each stop ; peers into the distance , giving the latest comer a chance .
7 However , development was enhanced after about 4500 B.P. There is also evidence for increased storms and winds at this time elsewhere in the Outer ( Simpson , 1966 ) and Inner ( Birks , 1987 ) Hebrides and from Orkney ( e.g. Keatinge and Dickson , 1979 ) .
8 A typical velocity profile and its integral are shown in Fig. 6.6 , in which the load is accelerated to the pull-out rate and runs at this velocity until near the target position .
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