Example sentences of "[coord] [vb -s] [pn reflx] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 I was particularly taken by Patricia Routledge , unmistakeable even looking through a letter box , and by Lionel Jeffries for his affecting rendition of : The troops are ready to mutiny , The colonel is missing or dead , When up steps a bold , young lieutenant And places himself at the head .
2 It is a problem which seems curiously common to left-arm spinners , and manifests itself with the bowler either failing to release the ball , or propelling it vertically into the air .
3 Cerebral oedema is thought to occur in a large proportion of patients towards the end of the treatment cycle , and manifests itself in a number of neuropsychiatric symptoms .
4 The romantic fantasy is nurtured in our youth with Enid Blyton books and ghost stories and manifests itself in the invention of tunnel myths .
5 A secondary stage follows after a few more months and manifests itself by a rash on the face and body .
6 It was painful , beautiful and obscure , a not uncommon state of affairs when the creator also directs , gives a running commentary on the action and writes himself into the story at the end .
7 He snaps and frets and worries himself into a frenzy .
8 In some cases , the author seeks to disguise his presence and distances himself from the narrative by employing techniques such as interior monologue , dialogue and intermediaries , which simultaneously highlight the subjective nature of the material presented and create the impression of an autonomous narration .
9 Sometimes a single boulder bounds and clatters down the scree pile , echoing loudly , sometimes a larger mass breaks away , sometimes the scree itself shifts and readjusts itself in a prolonged rattling clatter — a noise rather like the sea swashing back over pebbles .
10 Ranald was first in the door , the water fair drip-dripping off him , and shakes himself like a dog .
11 Suicide is carried out according to a culturally standardized formula : after two weeks of sulking , one finally withdraws into the deep forest away from all human habitation , and hangs oneself from a tree .
12 That is , the generality of the depression will depend on whether the person 's helpless views extend to all areas of his life ; the length of the depression will depend on how stable his helpless attitudes have become ; and self-esteem will be lowered if the person has internalised his helpless attitudes and sees himself as a failure .
13 Lampi has known Emmett Chapman since he started playing music , and sees himself as the Stick 's embassador .
14 In France the representative bureaucrat involved in space has had an elite technical or scientific education and sees himself as the partner and motivator of the innovative businessman .
15 Mrs Thatcher has a clear view of her role as Prime Minister and sees herself as an activist rather than an arbitrator in Cabinet disputes or a spokesman for a collective Cabinet view .
16 The convenors of the conference were drawn from two ideological camps in South Africa 's extra-parliamentary opposition : the Mass Democratic Movement ( MDM ) , which is ideologically aligned to the outlawed African National Congress , and the BCM , which was founded by Steve Biko and sees itself as a third force between the ANC and the banned Pan-Africanist Congress ( PAC ) .
17 The Initiative wants OSF to contribute to the Unix specification for ACE , and sees itself as a possible vehicle for knitting the discordant elements of the establishment together .
18 At the branch of a St Lucia hotel , Doc pulls his face into a welcoming rictus and steels himself for the Happy Hour invasion .
19 The old man replies kindly , but says there is no mention of salvation in the Good Book ‘ for any but the sinful sons of Adam ’ — at which the lady gives a cry of despair and hurls herself into the sea .
20 A searcher becomes a believer when he chooses and commits himself to the consequences of his choice .
21 It then finds a hiding place and attaches itself to a branch with silk .
22 This messenger RNA ( mRNA ) leaves the nucleus , enters the cytoplasm and attaches itself to the ribosome .
23 Satisfied that the room is empty , he enters quickly , closes the door behind him emphatically , and throws himself on the settee with a groan of weariness .
24 ( 1937 , You 're in the Army Now in US ) , the improbable tale of an American hoodlum who takes on the identity of a murdered gambling companion and finds himself in the British Army , where he slowly comes to understand the habits of self-effacing Englishmen .
25 She takes a left turn at random and finds herself in an area of derelict buildings , burned out and boarded up , the site , she realizes , of the previous year 's rioting .
26 His own farewell to 1796 was made in his ‘ Ode to the Departing Year ’ , a bleak prophecy of war and ruin in which Coleridge renounces his role as public commentator , and dedicates himself to the ‘ deep Sabbath of meek self-content ’ he hoped that Stowey , the Quantocks , and Tom Poole would now make possible .
27 Asked whether he shared Vera 's doubts about progress since the collapse of the communist regime , Ladislav lights another cigarette and settles himself at the table : ‘ A lot of the intellectuals are unhappy that the so-called ‘ transition' ’ is taking so long .
28 This fantasy is shattered when Magwitch suddenly re-enters his life and announces himself as the mysterious benefactor .
29 It provokes an answer , anticipates it and structures itself in the answer 's direction . ’
30 Its secondary antennae have become adapted , forming claws with which it digs in and fastens itself to the delicate gill lamellae .
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