Example sentences of "[coord] [vb -s] [vb pp] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 He is a remarkable old man in any setting , but in the bushveld of southern Africa , where he was born and has lived for much of his life , he was in his element .
2 No one but an old Londoner who has been born and bred and has lived for 50 to 60 years in London can have any idea of the extent of the change .
3 She has travelled widely and has lived in four countries in the Commonwealth .
4 Coun Tony Richmond , leader of the Tory group on Darlington council , says litter and pollution in the river is as bad as ever and has called for swift action .
5 Annie has suffered the indignity of being dumped by her husband , Aaron , for her sex-therapist ; Brenda has been swindled out of her alimony by greedy , unscrupulous Morty , a discount electronics magnate ; Elise has quietly suffered for years at the hands of an adulterous ne'er-do-well and has retreated into alcoholic stupefaction .
6 She knows a lot of men like that and has heard of more , but it does not reconcile her to having one herself .
7 Hewlett-Packard Co is well ahead of the pack in fitting out its Unix machines with the kind of operations management systems that mainframe users expect , but Sun Microsystems Computer Corp is galloping off down the same path and has gone to Legent Corp for an agreement under which Legent will convert Legent 's system management tools to run on Sparcsystems under Solaris Unix .
8 Although not a Government publication , this book , first published in 1923 , achieved considerable popularity before the Second World War and has run to twelve editions , all revised by the original writer , the most recent being that of 1954 ; in England it was the main vehicle for the principles of Sir Truby King and his Mothercraft Training Society .
9 Scott has been around the rock and blues circuit in Ireland for some time and has played with many of the top musicians here .
10 Debut against the All Blacks and has played in all four Tests since South Africa 's return to the international scene .
11 The tall 32-year-old was a big hit with Durham last season and has played in 17 consecutive Tests between the two countries , dating back to November 1986 .
12 ‘ I ca n't explain how I feel in words and I do n't know what the future holds , ’ said Tamas , who has been granted political asylum and has applied for Hungarian citizenship .
13 The forced reference reset can occur at this level , and has done on numerous occasions .
14 But eventually she persuaded us she meant it and we went and it was an invaluable experience meeting not only our missionary partner but the people among whom she lives and and works and has done for many years .
15 The number of UK groups reached 300 in the early 1980s and has remained around that level ever since — groups of very high quality and certainly not based on ‘ ephemeral enthusiasms ’ !
16 The right hon. Gentleman forgets that manufacturing output fell under the last Labour Government and has risen under this Government .
17 The artist is highly regarded internationally and has exhibited in many countries .
18 The rowan tree ( Sorbus aucuparia ) or in Gaelic , which stands in the corner of the kitchen garden or just beyond the house or byre , has protected the home , the family and the cattle from witches and fairies for centuries , and has endured after many a homestead has been deserted .
19 It has taken its PowerServer 340R and has bolted on extra communications and data storage options .
20 He is a grandson of Sir Winston Churchill and has served as Parliamentary Private Secretary to Mr Nicholas Ridley and Mr John Gummer .
21 Parish Clerk Weekley , that man of power and aerial photographs , is pushing for a further diversion to include free eye-testing for the old , and has written to local doctors advising them of this .
22 As a result , market intelligence is limited , and has led to contradictory stances being adopted by different companies .
23 Quantal analysis of excitatory synapses in the hippocampus has proved difficult and has led to contradictory conclusions when applied to long-term potentiation .
24 The debate is important and has led to keen observations being made on both sides of the House .
25 The elevation of environmental concerns in the social consciousness has raised the profile of environmental protection and has led to international agreements specifically concerned with the environment , such as the Montreal protocol on the ozone layer .
26 Much of this work on animals was done in Oxford and has led to radical improvements in the transplantation of kidney , liver , bone-marrow and hearts in human patients who would otherwise have died .
27 That has taken place throughout the country and has led to substantial additional resources being provided .
28 However , this inhibition of coagulation has some drawbacks , and has led to considerable difficulties in ensuring appropriate heparin administration during cardiac surgery .
29 This is a very real cause of accidents and has led to several fatalities in recent times .
30 In the late twentieth century compulsory retirement has depressed social status , a point also made by Alan Walker , and has led to medical , educational and social service provision receiving a low priority because it gives a low marginal rate of return on investment .
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