Example sentences of "[coord] [vb -s] [prep] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 He , too , has the courage to speak out , and so has Ted Heath , whether what they say is right or wrong or agrees with the party line .
2 First , a facet may be divided into subfacets or subclasses by the application of an additional single characteristic of subdivision .
3 No one remembers the herbaceous border for itself , or remarks on the subtlety of textures in your dashing skate-and-potato combo .
4 No person presently doing business with the Vendor nor any customer or supplier who is in the habit of purchasing from or selling to the Vendor ( as the case may be ) in relation to the Business will within twelve calendar months from Completion cease so to do or otherwise substantially reduce its purchase from or supplies to the Business .
5 First , whereas the implied terms relating to goods supplied under a contract of sale , or any other type of supply contract , are classified by statute as conditions , the implied term requiring work to be performed with reasonable skill and care will normally be an intermediate stipulation ( SGSA 1982 , s13 ) so that breach will only justify termination of the contract if the breach is serious or goes to the root of the contract .
6 Well he does , he goes in on Saturdays very often , he goes in on Sundays very often , you know , goes up to have a look at a site or goes into the office to look over something in peace without the phone ringing all that 's sort of thing , he puts in a lot of time that 's not strictly accounted for , Gerry did , I did as a teacher , but then we were well paid .
7 What " the " does is to tell the reader that what the noun phrase names is something ( or belongs to a group of things ) which is already familiar to the reader .
8 As she flies through the dark , or gallops on the horse of night , she is using different skills from those of our daytime world .
9 The Trust will from time to time make market purchases of shares in the Company and make grants of the shares to such employees , funded by loans or grants from the Company .
10 In fact the acknowledgement in most cases either has the seller 's conditions printed on the back , or refers to the execution of the contract in accordance with the quotation in such a way that the seller 's conditions on the back of the quotation are incorporated by reference .
11 Indeed , the optic lobe contains a wealth of neurons which respond specifically to elaborate patterns of motion , such as the optic flow fields generated on a retina when an insect turns around or flies over the ground , but there have been disappointingly few descriptions of neurons with interesting spatial properties .
12 An innovative attempt to distinguish between the more objectionable forms of cheque-book journalism and the literature which makes a significant contribution to the culture or contributes to the prevention of crime or the rehabilitation of offenders is being made in Victoria , Australia , where the Crimes ( Confiscation of Profits ) Amendment Act 1991 ( Vic. ) , although expanding the concept of ‘ benefit ’ to include the profits of criminal expression , will provide a court with discretion to decide whether or not to treat the profits as a ‘ benefit ’ for the purposes of the Act .
13 The Medical Research Council 's Common Cold Research Unit showed that it is not the person who gets caught in the rain or sits in a draught who is likely to develop a cold but the one who has to work in the air-conditioned , centrally-heated , artificially-lit atmosphere found in many modern office blocks .
14 It is not unlikely either that the formation of the desire will be closely linked with current experiences and will therefore probably be fulfilled by providing more of whatever is salient in the context — porridge , or rides in a plastic tub , etc .
15 More pressingly , it depends on how much one knows or cares about the detail of Irish nationalist politics or about the practicalities of occultism .
16 Uneaten food , and anything once living that dies or lies in the tank will break down in a similar fashion .
17 The operator syllable implies ( or specifies in a subfield ) how many syllables are required for the instruction .
18 In contrast to these local pottery types , there were also wheel-made vessels decorated with raised cordons or bands on the body .
19 Until 15 or so years ago most of us knew pineapple only from cans — who has n't used chunks to make sweet and sour pork , or rings in an upside down cake ?
20 Finally , when they get back home once again they are ‘ in demand ’ , and it is in their nature to work for the family again and put their own wants or needs to the bottom of the pile !
21 • No perforations or joins inside the drip line ( up to 14 metres ) .
22 Despite the fact that trespass is actionable per se , there is some authority to the effect that trespass to goods requires proof of some damage or asportation but the general view of textbook writers is to the contrary and there must be many instances where , if mere touching of objects like waxworks or exhibits in a gallery or museum be not trespass , their possessor would be without remedy .
23 They could involve matching a variety of situations or uses to a list of products or a list of items using those products ; they could involve putting the benefits of the product in order of merit or they could take the form of a question and answer quiz with specified answers from which to choose .
24 If a translation is directly imposed on the model , or occurs as a result of the rotation not taking place about the attachment point , the program completes the rotation and then re-positions the model back on to the point of association .
25 Telling a story means making what is false ( or at least largely invented ) seem true , so ‘ realism ’ ( a term hard to define but impossible to avoid ) becomes a crucial yardstick of success , a measure of whether the film wins or loses in the game of make-believe , which may also be the serious game of box-office success or failure ( though this in turn relates only erratically to the quality of a film in general or its SFX in particular ) .
26 It has never been water-tight so whenever it rains , water seeps out along the concrete panels , or drips into the middle of somebody 's living room .
27 Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any queries or concerns with the tape or Handbook .
28 The other two crowd round while the fifth crawls or reaches beneath the seat and grabs the bag .
29 You can make connections or deals on the floor , but you know that it 's over that expense-account lunch , or in the private suite , the yacht , that real money is changing hands .
30 Their river habitat east of Quebec city has become a chemical soup of pollutants which probably causes a failure of their immune system or leads to a variety of other diseases such as bladder and other cancers , hepatitis , and perforated ulcers .
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