Example sentences of "[coord] [is] [adv] [adj] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 But let me offer you one figure to consider , one third of the population in Scotland is either over sixty five , or under eleven , or is variously disabled how much care will they need ?
2 This is the position adopted , for example , by Nordberg ( 1980 : 5 ) , and is plainly correct up to a point .
3 Search in this space is easy on a small computer , and is even practical manually .
4 Well the problem as I see it is that you do n't know what the variety of this peach is , if it was bought out of greenhouse variety and is reasonably tender then I do n't think whatever you do with it in Preston it 's going to make any difference .
5 Such a situation would have been very common then , and is increasingly common now .
6 Hamish would also be happy to advise on any aspect of climbing , trekking or holidaying in Morocco , which enjoys excellent weather and is remarkably cheap still .
7 The research is a learning process and is most productive precisely when it changes prior views and expectations .
8 Procedurally speaking , this is not an aggravated assault , since it carries the same maximum penalty as common assault ( six months ' imprisonment ) and is also triable summarily only .
9 The quota is the smallest number of votes to allow five candidates to be elected and is just big enough to prevent the election of more than five .
10 But that Parliament has not met since 1706 and is extremely unlikely ever to meet again .
11 The current , although only slow , should be able to do this easily in the first few seconds before the crust becomes totally waterlogged and is still buoyant enough to counteract the weight of the bullet .
12 Henna , the vegetable colourant , was a favourite with the ancient Egyptians and is still popular today .
13 Tupperware has changed an awful lot and is really up-to-date now . ’
14 Second , the firm is n't subject to the whims of the City , and does n't have to face crises of confidence if it makes a loss during one quarter — it simply does n't publish its results , and is therefore answerable only to itself .
15 But he points out that recent high points must be put into context : ‘ The current colour magazine campaign began in 1980 and is as strong now as then . ’
16 Across the road from the churchyard is Poosie Nansie 's pub , the setting for Burns 's poem ‘ The Jolly Beggars ’ , and is as welcoming today as it was in the time of Scotia 's bard .
17 Wet hair tends to stretch and break and is very vulnerable so never use a bristle brush on hair when wet .
18 He spins the ball well , and is very impressive indeed .
19 It was all long ago and is now far away — but , nevertheless , it happened .
20 Faldo has increased his lead at the top of the world rankings and is now well ahead of Fred Couples and Jose Maria Olazabal .
21 It is still an impressive sight from the river banks after two centuries , but is unequal to modern road traffic and is now accessible only to pedestrians .
22 Though Brutus lost his alpha rank three years ago , and is now fourth down the ladder , he is still the uncontested leader when the group is on the move , and in territorial encounters with neighbouring groups .
23 Charles Ryder , whom he introduces first to the enchanted world of the great English house and then to Venice , would give all he ever had , and far more , to live in such high ceremonial heavens — ‘ I was drowning in honey , stingless ’ — and is forever shut out .
24 But it has always been wrong , and is more wrong today than ever before .
25 The problem is not unique to this area but is particularly acute here .
26 Against this background it is not surprising that the duty to benefit the company should be framed not as a duty to take specific actions or to achieve determinate results , but is instead concerned only with ensuring that the directors act in accordance with proper objectives .
27 On its own , the Laybak mechanism costs £29.99 ( including p&p ) , but is also available ready fitted on selected makes of headboard .
28 I have discovered two new rooms in the tower ; the lower , immediately above the fan ceiling , has bell ropes dangling and is obviously still in use , whilst the upper is bare , dusty boards apart from a giant treadmill in the centre which might once have been used for hauling up stone but is clearly redundant now .
29 The evidence in favour of dietary fibre as a preventative measure in heart disease is not strong enough to be conclusive at this stage , but is certainly strong enough to be thought-provoking .
30 The recording was made during the darkest years of the Depression and reduced strings were used ; this tells at the opening of the finale but is hardly noticeable elsewhere .
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