Example sentences of "[coord] [vb infin] i [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Do n't try and make me out to be some kind of embittered nut compensating for an unsatisfactory sex-life . ’
2 You ca n't push and slap me around like you do her , ’ she said , pointing her finger at me .
3 But do n't try and drag me down with you .
4 Immediately Alex thought : so that 's why she invited me to dinner , to try and match me up with her semi-alcoholic brother .
5 ‘ I asked her to come and get me out of foster homes but she never did .
6 Her husband was out with a fare in another car , and she radioed him to stop and pick me up on his way .
7 Not like , I mean I was making my way there , he was making his way there and I would n't want them to come and pick me up in the car
8 You 're not going to try and talk me out of it , I hope . ’
9 ‘ My father asked you to try and talk me out of getting married ? ’
10 If you refuse to come and help me out with this , you might miss getting your end away .
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