Example sentences of "[coord] [vb infin] a [noun] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 By section 50C , a lawful user is permitted to copy or adapt a computer program providing that it is necessary for his lawful use and not prohibited by the agreement regulating the use ( for example , a licence agreement ) .
2 The prongs would have been used to ram against a brick wall , maybe to try to remove or damage a cashpoint machine or similar cash dispensing machine .
3 And I will actually draw or paint a word picture for you to put you in the scene .
4 Obviously , the pupils would want or need a boarding education , and the reasons for that preference would have to be stated — on all this , the Report was embarrassingly vague .
5 The contents of the Broadcasting Bill will , in the next two years , impinge only on two tiny elites : media people themselves , and the moguls who want to keep or buy a television station .
6 Jenkins was fortunate that he brought with him to the Home Office an intuitive understanding that it is how issues and incidents are handled , more than the policies which are decided upon , that can make or break a Home Secretary 's reputation .
7 The court may vary or discharge a supervision order on the application of the child , the supervisor or any person with parental responsibility for the child ( s39(2) ) .
8 For example , we can not see or touch a computer program running in a computer , all we can do is experience its effects through a peripheral device such as a monitor or a printer .
9 The Secretary of State asked whether , after the introduction of a mobility allowance , I would undertake the chairmanship of a private trust to raise money to supplement the allowance for those disabled unable to afford to purchase or run a motor car .
10 Likewise , public relations may use advertising to support or spearhead a publicity programme to reinforce messages .
11 PI has failed to open or create a LIFESPAN Authorisation file in your default directory .
12 This can be used to replace or supplement a cylinder overflow area ; it is a form of distributed free space that is more evenly available through the file than a cylinder overflow area .
13 1806 " This Meeting having taken into Consideration the enormous amount of the Bill of Entertainment ( " The Bill at MacTaggart 's £16 " ) , Resolve that the following rules shall be attended to in future , viz. That for each Guest Setting at Table , the Landlord shall allow & produce a half Bottle of wine and a Bottle of Punch — a Bottle of Brandy to the whole Company — with small Beer — that the Landlord shall charge for each Sitting to Dinner a , the rate of 3/- , that the Servants half mutskin of Whisky … "
14 Perhaps it would be more accurate to qualify or amend a criterion statement to " has done … or " can do after practice " .
15 What percentage of young people refuse to start or complete a YTP placement ?
16 Nowadays , though , I can take or leave a traffic jam in New York .
17 This option enables you to accept or reject a Design Change ( DC ) .
18 ( a ) There is no effective power to delay or veto a money bill .
19 However , it does take more effort to push or pull a garden cart , and it can be more difficult to manoeuvre than single wheeled barrows .
20 It is a good idea to have a thorough scrub out , though , and if you can arrange to borrow or hire a power washer , the task will be easier .
21 There were an infinite number of ways in which the investigating magistrate could compromise or embarrass a police officer , whereas having the judiciary on your side was an invaluable asset .
22 You can also ask to be put in contact with others in a similar position to yourself and if you want to you can always arrange to meet regularly or form a support group to discuss matters which are relevant to all of you in your day to day work .
23 Locals predicted that it would be allowed to fall down and then the property developing Mafia would move in and build a housing estate on the fourteen acres , by means of a considerable backhander to the Council .
24 Presently he drew me aside to suggest that if I would like to give him a certain sum his wife and daughter would go immediately and prepare a gypsy supper .
25 And I think it w w was quite difficult for people because they 'd either have to walk a long way to try and make a telephone call .
26 You 've got to get your casualty from the cause , but make sure it 's safe for you , now if it is a , a place where you 've got to get your casualty out and you have n't got a lifeline and I must express this really that there must be two of you and if you are going in you only go in if you think it is safe to go in and you must have a line attached to you and there 's somebody outside , so that if you do get erm overcome by fumes or whatever , they can pull you out , you are safe , they 'll see to you , if there is no hope , you do n't try to be the hero , what you do is go and make a phone call and get the professionals in , because they do n't want to come along and have to deal with two casualties , when there 's only one .
27 ‘ However , I 'm afraid I have to go and make a phone call . ’
28 This , this , you know , is saying something very , very simple , it 's telling you straight away , okay it 's , it is , it is quite nice to have the quote in there again as I say , if somebody , if somebody is trying to do a little advance story , to say , you could all , you could from there you could actually write something which , without having to go back and make a phone call .
29 Try putting yourself at five or six hundred feet directly over the landing area of your gliding site and see for yourself how difficult it is to plan and make a spot landing .
30 ‘ We now intend to buy and plant an oak tree for each of our other five boys it 's an excellent scheme . ’
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