Example sentences of "[coord] [vb infin] [art] [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 With the decline of these markets , the company has been forced to look elsewhere or face the same fate as IBM .
2 Popular newspapers were able to find or invent a few examples of ‘ frivolous ’ applications for dentures or spectacles .
3 You ca n't almost die and remain the same person you were before .
4 And they would all come through and stay a few nights with
5 One evening , David , Barry , Christina and John Hutchinson were all sitting in my front room and talking about what we could actually do to earn some money It was suggested that we might go down to one of the local pubs which held regular jazz nights , to see if they had an evening free and perhaps we could run a folk club just one evening a week and maybe charge people to come in and make a few pennies for ourselves .
6 The reason he slipped out was to phone and make a few arrangements for them .
7 But really most of them just want to travel and earn a few bob .
8 Even asset-strippers had to relax and pursue a few hobbies from time to time …
9 With examples of teaching on video any number of observers can share and discuss the same experience .
10 For example , when price inflation was running at about 12 per cent last summer , buying on HP would have meant monthly payments about 10 per cent higher than those needed to save up and buy the same thing later .
11 It 's the sort of film you can sit and watch a few times .
12 If you ask two people to go away and do the same job with a degree of excellence , are you to get the same result at the end of the day ?
13 She was an extremely angry , very bitter woman , who was determined to get everybody around her as angry as she could , and she succeeded , and I do n't know where she 's moved now , but I 'm sure she will go on and do the same thing , and frankly , I despair of anything being done unless there is some provision made for people such as herself , and one of her friends in particular .
14 Next I began to worship actors like gods and I 'd go and see the same performance again and again , transported , until I learned that the actor , the one I had in mind , was exceptionally polygamous and stingy as a goat and so I let that one go .
15 Under this system prisoners could work together and use the same dormitories , but they were forbidden to speak to one another or communicate in any other way ; they were , therefore , under constant close surveillance day and night .
16 But er we shall be without him for the next fortnight erm so somebody 'll have to come in and score a few goals for us but often you know , you discover things that erm you never knew were there when you have to fill in gaps that have suddenly arisen .
17 Erm I 'm just trying to think we really want to try and fit a few lessons into the holiday if you can it 's up to you fit in .
18 Okay , let's let's try and clarify a few points as we go along .
19 BELFAST jockey Pat McWilliams is beginning to settle down and ride a few winners since he returned from England before Christmas facing an uncertain future .
20 ‘ We could be here for hours , ’ said Wilson , into whose tired brain had crept the thought that they could just sit down and have a little sleep until they were found .
21 Throughout the next two years I had lost interest in the game I would wait a few months and then in a space of a week I would go and have a few games it was n't until 1993 early January that I started playing regularly again I was determined to get a handicap and play in a few competitions sometime that year .
22 There they have been exploiting the advantages of low pollution , the ability to stop and restart every few hours — sorry , every few yards — and electric cars may be introduced as much for their ability to produce low pollution , low noise , and as petrol becomes more expensive and electric cars become more widespread and better engineered and more efficient and cheaper , and more socially acceptable , then I think we will see electric cars .
23 Another mechanism , poorly understood until recently , is the increase in the proliferative zone length by the exaggeraton of the folds in the basal epithelium ( papillae formation ) to enable an increased proliferative compartment to generate and maintain the same size of superficial ( differentiated ) epithelial compartment .
24 In fact , men and women are often no longer free to explore and share the many aspects of maleness and femaleness which add texture , richness and depth to work and leisure life .
25 Occasionally , when she came over from England with Neil , they 'd go out and take a few pigeons on a Sunday morning , but his heart was n't in it .
26 They are encouraged to try and take a few steps back and be a little more objective with themselves .
27 Your heart would go out to her , Wilson , if you were to see how she struggles to be her old self but is exhausted after a mere ten minutes of conversation , and then she is obliged to fall back and take no more part in it though wishing to do so .
28 They had a good training group and indicated a keen desire to learn and apply the same professionalism to the farm as to their other occupation .
29 He kept pestering the others about what is known as " account trading " ( where one can buy and sell the same stock within a two week period , hoping that the stock price will have risen ) .
30 All he had to do was get up and walk a few steps and he could escape it all .
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