Example sentences of "[coord] [vb infin] [art] [noun] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 By section 50C , a lawful user is permitted to copy or adapt a computer program providing that it is necessary for his lawful use and not prohibited by the agreement regulating the use ( for example , a licence agreement ) .
2 Many studies describe a ‘ retrenchment from the front ’ , which occurred as police management sought to control or influence the research design and practice .
3 The prongs would have been used to ram against a brick wall , maybe to try to remove or damage a cashpoint machine or similar cash dispensing machine .
4 If something goes wrong while a user is accessing LIFESPAN , the current displayed page is temporarily replaced by a ‘ Transaction Failure ’ page which describes the fault and tells the user what action to take ( usually to log off or consult the LIFESPAN Manager ) .
5 If a failure occurs while using LIFESPAN , the current displayed page is temporarily replaced by a Transaction Failure page which describes the fault and indicates what action to take ( usually to log off or consult the LIFESPAN Manager ) .
6 And I will actually draw or paint a word picture for you to put you in the scene .
7 The Settlement still plans to sell or lease the Pickwick site , ( with outline planning permission ) for office/commercial development which would include a purpose-built wing to house the Settlement 's projects .
8 Some of these reservations about juries were shared by other officials , but the local bar would have objected strenuously to attempts to abolish or restrict the jury system .
9 These little leaves are like tongues or hands to sing or conduct the wind music , for of all trees , the beeches have the supreme choir and orchestra and to hear them in a high wind is to know divine music .
10 This column is used to define whether you want to install or deinstall the process model definition module that you have entered in the module name column .
11 But I had never questioned the effect that jack plugs exert over a guitar 's sound , let alone done an actual listening test to prove or disprove the Johnson theory .
12 Obviously , the pupils would want or need a boarding education , and the reasons for that preference would have to be stated — on all this , the Report was embarrassingly vague .
13 The contents of the Broadcasting Bill will , in the next two years , impinge only on two tiny elites : media people themselves , and the moguls who want to keep or buy a television station .
14 Jenkins was fortunate that he brought with him to the Home Office an intuitive understanding that it is how issues and incidents are handled , more than the policies which are decided upon , that can make or break a Home Secretary 's reputation .
15 The court may vary or discharge a supervision order on the application of the child , the supervisor or any person with parental responsibility for the child ( s39(2) ) .
16 This instruction does not affect the pattern of word marks in the destination field , but there are other instructions to set or clear the word mark bit in a designated character , to clear all word marks in a designated area , or to copy a source string and word mark to a designated area ( ignoring and clearing any word mark : bits in the destination field encountered in the process ) .
17 By including the words , avoiding areas of significant landscape value , you are by implication , directing it at areas which can be improved by for example a structure plan to increase or improve the landscape value of that area .
18 I could n't hear or feel the snake stir .
19 A fundamental question to be considered when embarking on any form of business is whether to buy or rent the business premises .
20 But there seems to be no move to actually control or regulate the food industry .
21 Hierarchical relationships must be indicated in order that users may transfer from a first access term to related terms , and to broaden or narrow the search parameters .
22 According to the instruction , the Offline Operator should physically mount or dismount the media item from the specified media unit .
23 They may advise or wan the forecasters-about trends or events that are likely to influence sales performance .
24 For example , we can not see or touch a computer program running in a computer , all we can do is experience its effects through a peripheral device such as a monitor or a printer .
25 The final problem is that various energy-loss processes may accompany or follow the photoionization event , reducing the energy of the ejected electron .
26 I do n't defend or follow the coaching book .
27 The widespread promotion of such asset liberating schemes would , of course , do nothing for those without a house to sell or realize the capital value of .
28 Her deep involvement in the Falklands war and determination to retain British sovereignty over the islands has to be set against Britain 's negotiated return of Hong Kong to China with effect from 1997 and refusal to support or condemn the US invasion of Grenada ( part of the Commonwealth ) .
29 The Secretary of State asked whether , after the introduction of a mobility allowance , I would undertake the chairmanship of a private trust to raise money to supplement the allowance for those disabled unable to afford to purchase or run a motor car .
30 After a positive test result the family practitioner and health visitor are contacted when the baby is about six weeks old to develop a social profile of the family and decide how best to approach them to offer a venous blood test to confirm or refute the screening test .
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