Example sentences of "[coord] [vb infin] [pers pn] in [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The door stayed jammed shut , and he did n't shout back or answer her in any way .
2 It must relate directly to the facts in issue in a case or be relevant to those facts in that it tends to prove or disprove them in some way .
3 He must know how to lift or catch her in different ways from a static position or jump without any sign of strain .
4 It would be impractical to attempt to review or catalogue them in this study and , although we will mention some specific products , we will confine this section mainly to illustrating general authoring issues .
5 Neither lexicographers nor political theorists can or should hope to halt this process of constant revision , although they may legitimately aspire to guide or nudge it in one direction rather than another .
6 ‘ I never intended to belittle or humiliate her in public .
7 They move around the tank , scattering the smaller fish in all directions , although they do n't attack or harm them in any way .
8 Venice and Ancona , Naples and Sicily , Florence and Bruges would watch and listen and notify him in due course of their passage , as well as of other things .
9 The most serious danger , however , is that the ‘ people bit ’ gets lost — plans often assume that people will work and prosecute them in logical , rational ways , which of course they do not .
10 Was she actually planning to aid and abet him in this unexpected , meaningless sexual dalliance ?
11 Kit thought that she would go and see her in that convent .
12 The fourth stage involves sifting through the data and evaluating it so as to collate and analyse it in such a way as to provide useful information rather than a mass of unrelated facts or figures .
13 If you need parent support in the bad times then you need to encourage and reward it in those times when everything is going well .
14 We pray first for our own country , and ask your blessing on those who lead us ; we pray for Elizabeth our queen , that You will bless and guide her in all her responsibilities in this land and in the Commonwealth ; we pray for the Prime Minister and all his cabinet , that they may have your wisdom in the government of the country ; we pray for the leaders of the nations , and especially for areas where there is strife .
15 The ability to store more food than we could eat at once also meant being able to buy and sell it in real quantity and the merchant cities arose .
16 ‘ Look , Jay , ’ she said , ‘ I hate to go and leave you in this state . ’
17 I ca n't wait around to try and engage him in further conversation because my bowels suddenly decide they want to wake up too , and I have to make a dash for the nearest bar and the toilets .
18 If we get recognition , we 'll bargain for you , but if you do n't , we 'll protect and support you in any job you fill .
19 The social services and your community occupational therapist can advise and help you in this .
20 Probably we felt they were the sort of client that we wanted or that there was already er a connection that we had er or there was a particular service that we thought we could offer and penetrate them in that way .
21 The best she could hope for was that someone would come along and abuse her in various disgusting and incomprehensible ways .
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