Example sentences of "[coord] [to-vb] over [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 US Secretary of State James Baker also visited Poland on May 6 to brief Polish leaders and to pass over a West German invitation for Poland to join the July round of two-plus-four talks in Paris .
2 This argument carried the day , despite Ramsay 's protests , and it was decided to send Keith , the Knight Marischal , as one of the major officers of state , to head the relieving party and to take over the governorship meantime .
3 Keith Lascelles , friend and floor manager , turned from his prompt side console and , raising one enquiring eyebrow , asked : ‘ Miss Caine ? ’ — not needing to add , ‘ Shall I tell Dennie you 're ready to meet your public and to take over the warm-up for ten minutes ? ’
4 In December 1990 it came to the other directors ' knowledge that M and another manager , Elizabeth Melon , the software sales manager , intended to start a new company and to take over the distribution of the Boeing software .
5 Little Colin Patterson returned to the Jubilee Maternity Hospital with his mum Karen to celebrate his first birthday and to hand over a cheque for £675 to the neo natal unit , where he weighed in at only 2lb 14ozs .
6 After that , the manager went through the procedure adopted : a telephone call to the reference number cited ; verification of credit card ; verification of driving licence ; verification of home address ( the last three usually completed within ten minutes or so on the International Information Computer ) ; preparation , presentation , and signing of the contract ( including appropriate insurance clauses ) ; then , paperwork now completed , the car brought round to the outer forecourt , with an assistant to give the client a quick run-over of the controls , and to hand over the keys .
7 UN-sponsored talks had begun on June 2 , when the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia ( FRY ) leadership called for Bosnian Serb leaders to stop the bombardment of Sarajevo and to hand over the airport to UN control .
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