Example sentences of "[coord] [to-vb] [pers pn] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Simply to dismiss their work as ‘ pessimistic ’ , however , or to use it emblematically as a naive position which we now know better than to take seriously , seems to me hopelessly to devalue the currency of critique .
2 For whatever reason , the French failed either to withdraw their forces from what were intended as border strongholds or to reinforce them sufficiently to be able to withstand attacks from Vietminh forces which could now be launched at divisional strength trained and commensurately equipped by the Chinese communist armies which had reached the frontier the year before .
3 It was a sensation to me , a novice , but the experienced experimentalist learns the tricks of the trade , knows what mistakes to avoid and when weird things happen tries to investigate or to file them away in the memory — just in case .
4 So they either have to accept this noxious side-effect of their coping strategy , or to project it outwards with increasingly strident , dogmatic and simplistic vigour .
5 Compassion , as understood in the Buddhist context , shows no impetus or desire to transform man directly , or to change him indirectly by effecting a change in his social environment .
6 All that the king-duke had to do was to legislate in the same way — to try to anticipate French edicts , or to follow them immediately with his own .
7 The specific function of the agents of transnational political practices is to create and sustain the organizational forms within which this penetration takes place and to connect them organically with those domestic practices that can be incorporated and mobilized in the interests of the global capitalist system .
8 And it had been extremely unkind , not to say ill bred of several of the younger ones to remark on Lugh 's own plateful of stew and to compare it unfavourably with their own portions .
9 If one accepts that comparable hypotheses may explain differential phenomenology ( such as the different experiences of motion-perception previously described ) , then his work shows that it is in principle possible for a creature incapable of experiencing distinct shapes to be aware of motion and to ascribe it correctly to an individual object .
10 So , as villagers sadly began to dig up bluebell and primrose roots from the soon-to-be-flooded little woods of their pleasant countryside and to plant them elsewhere on safer ground , the Anglian Water Board asked Dame Sylvia Crowe , the landscape architect , to take on the challenge of turning the proposed 3,000-acre inland sea , with its 27-mile perimeter , into an ‘ environmental asset ’ .
11 The nurse may also come back in the evening , especially in the beginning , in order to help the patient with medicines , such as insulin injections for diabetes , and to position him correctly in bed .
12 The US journal Pediatrics says it is crucial to remove the cap or nipple of the baby 's bottle before heating and to shake it well before feeding .
13 In 1978 the act was amended to make the earliest mandatory retirement age 70 and to eliminate it entirely for federal employees .
14 Two things happened , however , to divert trade unionism from the adoption of that role and to lead it instead into what has been called its revolutionary period , one which for a time made the ownership and control of industries by the people who worked in them its main objective , which sought in short to displace the organisation of industry on the capitalist model by an industrial co-operative commonwealth .
15 The voter is required to state his preferences , and to state them once for all , before any votes are counted .
16 In the early days , the salesman behind the counter had served to promote the merits of different products , and to wrap them carefully for the customer 's homeward journey .
17 How gay it was in spring , under the linden trees : people sauntering , the cafés full , everyone enjoying themselves , and to walk it now with — ’ he smiled again , an elderly uncle 's smile , recalling long lost days , when the linden trees bloomed along the avenue — ‘ with a pretty girl .
18 I hope to send the document to the DoE via the Welsh Office in the next couple of weeks and to publish it late in May .
19 It is about helping them to recognise the resources that they have to offer one another and to use them effectively in response to individual interests and learning needs .
20 A detached head , who acts with detachment , coolly weighing matters up , allowing the mind to soak up ideas and to put them together in new ways , is not a primary-school image .
21 Any sort of boat could have been used to ferry a body to midstream and to put it gently over the side in darkness .
22 Another possibility , and perhaps a more elegant one , is to use a sample of atoms that have previously been cooled and trapped by laser beams , and to project them upwards against gravity .
23 Heady stuff , and to reject it outright with a condescending intellectual leer would have felt like a return trip down the chute into futility ; but now , with the radio offering a bleaker view of things , I was less certain why I 'd agreed so eagerly to meet him in the library of the Hall this morning .
24 For the sake of appearances ( and to keep it away from any detrimental vibration ) , I popped the B-1R into our studio rack , reconnected all the leads and … ignition !
25 The Citation rolled slowly on to its left side as Duncan fought to keep it flying and to keep it away from the airliner .
26 Traditionally , it was usual to take the upwind wing-tip and to hold it slightly below the horizontal .
27 It was Freeth 's custom to write songs — setting his words to popular tunes — about remarkable events in local and national news , and to sing them nightly to the company assembled at his Coffee House .
28 This was to draw the ‘ poor ’ and ‘ middle ’ peasants away from the private trade of the ‘ rich ’ and to turn them eventually towards an alliance ( smychka ) with urban inhabitants .
29 When James did succeed to the throne in 1685 , the pro-Catholic and pro-French orientation of foreign policy was naturally maintained , and the new king made strenuous efforts both to return England to the papal fold and to realign her fully with the international Catholic axis .
30 At a time when so many natural phenomena remained both inexplicable and uncontrollable , and when medical knowledge was more often a force for harm than good , many individuals continued to feel a pressing need for supernatural assistance , and to seek it indiscriminately through both Christian prayers and magical charms .
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