Example sentences of "[coord] [to-vb] [prep] [pron] [art] " in BNC.

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1 When the communicative support system with which they have grown up fails to function in the usual way , the effect , arguably , will be to make the children regress or behave in some other aberrant manner — for instance , to stop asking questions or to agree with whatever the adult suggests .
2 To foster in pupils a love of literature , to encourage their awareness of its unique relationship to human experience and to promote in them a sense of excitement in the power and potential of language can be one of the greatest joys of the English teacher .
3 It is fortunately in the hands of such a man as Captain Vidal , R.N. , who has steadily devoted himself , during a long period of ill-health , to complete this unpopular work , and to connect with it a minute examination of the Canary Islands . ’
4 Each child was given a present and to go with it a box of sweets .
5 and er I would like to make an appointment to come and see you er again next week to talk over this mortgage and to go into it a bit more
6 Glen volunteered to supervise the distribution of his work in Persia , and to circulate with it a new edition of the Persian translation of the New Testament by Henry Martyn [ q.v . ] .
7 Nothing , however , can detract from the miracle that , on Christmas Day 1973 , people who lived in a state of enmity with one another on each side of the peace-line were strangely drawn together , jointly to celebrate the Christmas story and to find in it a message of love and forgiveness and of reconciliation .
8 The home provides a safe and secure place for children to ask their biggest questions about faith and to discover for themselves the love of God in Jesus Christ .
9 When the bombs fell in the autumn the intellectuals were quick to celebrate the initiative and self-generated activity of the common people , and to discover within it a basis for a new reconciliation between patriotism and democracy .
10 The principal effect of referring to rules of private international law to extend the scope of a Convention would seem to be to displace a possible presumption that the parties , in choosing the law of a Contracting State , intended only its domestic law to apply ( that is , without the Convention ) and to impose on them the onus of displacing the Convention .
11 Will he ask his right hon. Friends the Home Secretary and the Secretary of State for the Environment to bring that home to the support services and the district decision-takers in South Yorkshire and to urge on them the prior claim of South Yorkshire police at this time ?
12 I thereupon telephoned Haines to tell him of my success and to urge upon him the necessity for extreme discretion , since what I had done was something of an embarrassment and I did not particularly wish to have my role publicised .
13 These new measurements were counted in two series of twelve with their poles at noon and midnight , and to differentiate between them the terms ante meridiem and post meridiem ( ‘ am ’ and ‘ pm ’ ) were coined .
14 ‘ Often at loggerheads with Holyoake , Greening , Hughes and other advocates of the ‘ 'bonus to labour ’ and the development of Co-operative Production by means of independent Societies under producers ' control , he was able to impress his personal philosophy of Co-operation upon the Movement and to win for himself a position of recognised leadership . ’
15 The problems presented by the Hurufi heresy , which seems to have attracted the sultan himself , were more of a religious and social nature than a political one , and to deal with them the Mufti was called in .
16 A hundred years of missionary effort had failed utterly ; its only effect had been to confirm the Abyssinians in their attachment to their ancient faith and to sow in them the seeds of xenophobia .
17 It did not of course escape Mommsen that there can hardly be a more foolish political speculation , " eine thorichtere politische Spekulation " , than to represent the Roman constitution as a mixed constitution and to derive from it the success of Rome ( Rom .
18 But in the nature of things … " and here he twisted his red lips to signal and to share with them the perspectives of this operation " certain approaches have to be tentative and even apparently , ad hoc .
19 In that task I am assisted by a team of six managers , all of whom are professional nurses and district nurses or health visitors and they of course are there to advise me on professional issues , and to share with me the management task of using the resources of Oxford City in the way that we feel is best appropriate , and in doing that , I think one of the important things for us to do , I do n't think we do it quite as well as we should , is to work more closely with the local council , and to look really at what the needs of our local communities are for health , and to try and make sure that the feelings that might well be expressed by individuals , either individually , or through caring associations , or through other statutory agencies , or through voluntary health organisations , are actually given a chance to be there , and to influence our , that official policy and constituents , and to , to influence the planning process .
20 He had , he said , advised the Shah to erect a hundred scaffold in Teheran and to hang on them a hundred people , starting with his former prime minister .
21 The piece of stone or the log of wood selected is treated in an elaborate manner in order to divest it of its inert nature and to infuse into it the power to contain the divine image .
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