Example sentences of "[coord] [to-vb] [adv] to [adj] " in BNC.

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1 As the great surge of modernism finally seemed to grind to a halt , artists and public were apparently offered two choices : either to celebrate postmodern confusion , or to turn back to older and more insular traditions .
2 But even some of the older legislation requires sharpening up to meet modern situations or to respond appropriately to new ‘ indiscretions ’ .
3 The severe budget deficit caused the UNHCR to close 19 of its approximately 100 regional offices and to freeze up to 300 posts .
4 Mr Crump was alarmed ; Mrs Crump leaned forward on her toes to increase her disappointing height and to reach forward to this man whose every title and reference made him more and more desirable .
5 The present reforms would retain the system of co-operatives , but allow farmers to take possession of livestock from the collective and state farms and to retain up to 30 per cent of their produce for private consumption or sale .
6 But many of us saw it as an approach which emphasised the need to allow the faith of Christ to be incarnated within particular culture and Sir Paul , the former Archbishop of New Zealand took the same stand point as a Maori , in his own address and called delegates present to speak and act as people of hope and to respond sensitively to economic and environment progility and isolation , not only in the Pacific but wherever they are .
7 The ability to think on one 's feet is of great benefit to a salesperson , since he will be required to modify his sales presentation to suit the particular needs and problems of his various customers and to respond quickly to unusual objections and awkward questions .
8 It advised the Cabinet to continue with bilateral international agreements until a permanent international authority was created , to nationalize the country 's airfields , and to allow up to 20 per cent private capital in the European and South American companies .
9 In a significant change of emphasis the governors ' meeting on April 13-14 agreed to abolish the ceiling of 6 per cent of bank lending which could go to the former Soviet Union ( corresponding to the Soviet Union 's 6 per cent holding in the EBRD ) , and to allow up to 40 per cent of the EBRD 's lending to go to former Soviet republics .
10 The powers that be at the Tate tend to be more interested in ‘ the modern ’ than in the British tradition , so many fine or interesting British paintings are rarely if ever displayed , and to get through to those that are one has to wade one 's way through off-putting modernist rubbish , with the risk of tripping over artistic piles of bricks or tearing your clothes on sharp bits of dustbin sculpture .
11 The training to be really effective and to get round to this bit monitoring evaluating training , I need a step .
12 But to go down to ten , that 's good .
13 It is advisable not to enter too much information here , but to refer instead to further information contained in the DESCRIPTION part of the header .
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