Example sentences of "[coord] [to-vb] [pron] [adv] [subord] " in BNC.

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1 An adult patient who , like Miss T. , suffers from no mental incapacity has an absolute right to choose whether to consent to medical treatment , to refuse it or to choose one rather than another of the treatments being offered .
2 I felt incredibly well , but he said to keep an eye on the swollen gland and to see him immediately if it grew in size .
3 It is much more satisfactory , as the Annan Committee on the Future of Television pointed out , for the IBA to leave television stations to make their own decisions about transmission , and to criticise them subsequently if their decisions are mistaken .
4 To establish whether or not a claim submitted by a contractor is valid , and to dispute it successfully if it is not , the client must ensure that accurate records are kept on his of her behalf .
5 It 's makers , Smithkline Beecham told them the 2 litre bottle was from a faulty batch and to empty it carefully as it could explode .
6 This then leads us to trust in God and to obey him rather than ourselves .
7 In order to keep things that way , the agency was obliged to keep track of other US intelligence operations that might prove embarrassing and to head them off as necessary .
8 I invite the hon. Gentleman to reflect again on his knee-jerk reaction to our proposals and to tell us frankly whether he is in favour of them and on the side of the citizen , the user of services and the taxpayer or on the side of Rodney Bickerstaffe , the Confederation of Health Service Employees and NUPE .
9 Similar exercises have been undertaken by other er governments and there 's a tremendous contrast with the way those governments have actually sought to do this , with our own government , erm no publicity whatsoever has appeared yet and again I offer the minister the chance to tell us at some later point , what the government is prepared to do to exert itself on this matter and to tell us indeed whether it wants people to register erm it is n't particularly clear whether in fact this is part of er some idea that the government has that people should n't register and I think that the minister needs to be very clear about this so that people get the message outside , because nine and a half million people did n't vote , even in the last general election .
10 The second threat is the man or woman who grabs you , not to restrain or crush you , but to keep you still while they hit you .
11 I 'm expected not only to foot the bills , but to add them up as well .
12 What happened first was that the CIVC told the growers to harvest an extra 10% over the official 13,000 kilograms limit for that year , but to store it separately until the situation clarified .
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