Example sentences of "[coord] [pos pn] [noun pl] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In the United Kingdom , as elsewhere , continuity of support for disabled individuals or their families through transition is rarely available .
2 Abuse of possession which the defendant already has may take many forms , such as sale accompanied by delivery of the plaintiff 's goods or their documents of title to another , pawning them , or otherwise disposing of them .
3 All they wanted was to live out their lives in a peaceful and financially comfortable exile and they had no thought of putting themselves or their positions at risk by indulging in some political adventure .
4 Those who carried their counties or their countries to victory are featured to the exclusion of all else , and the result could serve as a visual aid to motivation .
5 But the principal purpose of the Forest system was by this time the raising of revenue : in most cases the wardenships were restored to the offenders or their heirs on payment of a fine to the king .
6 The general rule is that one tenant can not enforce covenants contained in another tenant 's lease , but there are a number of exceptions being mainly as follows : ( 1 ) Where a tenant has taken an assignment from the landlord of the benefit of a covenant entered into by a tenant of other premises ; ( 2 ) Where various tenants or their predecessors in title have entered into a mutual deed of covenant ( in which case each can enforce the covenants against the others ) ; ( 3 ) Where the estate has been laid out under a common scheme for building ( known as a building scheme ) and the leases have been taken pursuant to that scheme ; ( 4 ) Where there is a letting scheme , which is similar to a building scheme , but there need be no physical laying out of the estate .
7 It is merely a contract between the creditor and the joint debtor which does not affect the liabilities of the other joint contractors or their rights of contribution or indemnity against their co-contractor .
8 That is , all productive units are merged into a single firm without any change in their numbers or their costs of production , and further that this newly created firm acts solely as a costless decision-making and co-ordinating mechanism for the activities of what were formerly the independent units .
9 People came in and out , but he did n't really notice them or their words of encouragement .
10 ‘ Industrial democracy ’ on the other hand is a term which is generally taken to refer to particular practices of management already operating in certain capitalist economies ( e.g. West Germany ) or specific proposals such as those of the Bullock Committee ( Bullock , 1977 ) , practices and proposals which give some role to workers or their representatives in enterprise decision-making , but which are not necessarily linked to the overall social planning of the economy in the interests of working people .
11 Hence , where a particular company , individual or government is not observing Community law , the person who is adversely affected by this failure may commence an action to enforce his or her rights under Community law ; this may have profound effects .
12 His or her patterns of sleep and wakefulness are determined by an intrinsic cyclical patterning of alternation of behavioural activity and sleep states , modulated by demands of hunger and thirst , which commonly resolves into a four-hour " day " by the end of the first month .
13 This is not to deny the significance of the creative individual , but his or her efforts at innovation can only be really sustained when they take root in and pervade the school as a whole .
14 This collective picture is then reflected back to the sufferer with the recommendation that he or she finds out whether his or her contemporaries in treatment observe the same picture .
15 The assets are placed in his or her hands under Insolvency Rule 5.21 .
16 The sufferer attempts to gain control by changing his or her pictures of reality to conform to the pictures of perception of how life should be .
17 In contrast , in visual art the emphasis is more on the individual performance , so there can obviously be more dialogue with the particular child about his or her intentions in relation to the actual work being produced .
18 Self-monitoring in a busy classroom is not easy , yet the need for training in the skills of classroom discourse is evident ; as part of that training the trainee or serving teacher needs to be able to objectify his or her modes of discourse in order to begin to improve them .
19 Some complaints will lead to a formal investigation by the FAC as to whether or not the health professional complied with his or her terms of service .
20 ‘ JA Ashton already seems a real person to our marketing team and new services are designed with his or her needs in mind , ’ said Ian Martin , Girobank 's head of marketing .
21 Owing to the provisions of Williams & Glyn 's Bank Ltd v Boland and Williams & Glyn 's Bank Ltd v Brown [ 1981 ] AC 487 it would be prudent to obtain the consent to the conveyance from any other occupier of the matrimonial home aged 18 years or more , coupled with confirmation from such occupier that he or she is agreeable to the rights of the mortgagee taking priority over his or her rights in the property or its proceeds of sale .
22 In spite of the trusts imposed on the former matrimonial home or its proceeds of sale , the husband may remain liable in respect of any mortgage secured thereon , the intent being in effect that this should be deducted from or charged on his equitable share .
23 Thus contempt is wider than simply breach of any of Parliament 's privileges but can consist of any conduct which interferes with the workings of Parliament or is likely to bring Parliament or its members into disrepute .
24 Some leases contain rather more elaborate provisos such as : " no demand for or acceptance of rent by the landlord or its agents with knowledge of a breach of any of the covenants on the part of the tenant contained in these presents shall be or be deemed to be a waiver wholly or partially of any such breach but such breach shall be deemed to be a continuing breach of covenant " .
25 ( 1 ) the origin of the report ( 2 ) the destination of the report ( 3 ) the subject of the report or its terms of reference ( 4 ) the date of the report ( 5 ) a summary of its findings .
26 Notwithstanding anything herein contained or the completion of the Lease nothing in this agreement shall release the Landlord from any liability in respect of defects appearing in the Works due to bad or faulty workmanship or design or materials provided notice of the same shall have been given to the Landlord by the Tenant or its successors in title before the expiration of the period of [ 6 ] years from the date hereof and upon receipt of such notice the Landlord shall forthwith take such action as may be necessary to remedy the defects at its own expense with all possible expedition
27 All Information supplied to you and your Representatives and statements of fact in any reports prepared by you or your Representatives in connection with the purchase and sale of the Company will be deemed to be disclosed for the purposes of any representations or warranties that may be given .
28 If the lessor 's title is already registered as absolute , this is a simple matter — but remember to have in the contract for sale or your requisitions on title , a special condition that before or immediately after completion the lessor will lodge or cause to be lodged in the Registry the land or charge certificate of his title , and will furnish the buyer with the deposit reference .
29 Neither their legal status nor their chances in education , training and employment are full or free .
30 But we also want to emphasise that neither the experiences men have nor their ideas about masculinity have remained constant .
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