Example sentences of "[coord] [pos pn] [noun] by [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 A council 's total net capital expenditure for the year was controlled , not its borrowing or its project by project spending .
2 Other circumstances which may amount to frustration of a booking contract are the flooding of the hotel so as to make it uninhabitable or its destruction by fire .
3 By a series of Acts ranging from 1907 to 1960 exceptions had already been made permitting a man to marry his deceased or divorced wife 's sister or half-sister , his niece by marriage or his aunt by marriage ; and a woman may marry her deceased or divorced husband 's brother or half-brother .
4 This program was called ***MEDLEARNF*** and its testing by novice users has been described by Soben and Tidball in 1974 .
5 There is indeed something godlike about carbon , its omni-presence in all things living and dead , the grand cycles of time that move it in its vehicular form carbon dioxide between land , sea and air , the fertility it provides and its release by fire .
6 The extracellular glutamate concentration , [ Glu ] o , is determined by the balance between the release of glutamate and its removal by uptake .
7 Gastrointestinal symptoms were grouped into upper gastrointestinal , which comprised dysphagia , heartburn , nausea , vomiting , upper abdominal pain ( and its relief by food or antacids ) or lower gastrointestinal comprising changed bowel habit , diarrhoea , constipation , rectal bleeding or lower abdominal pain ( colicky , associated with changed bowel habit or relieved by passing stool or flatus ) .
8 As a dedicated Marxist , he almost certainly makes too many unwarranted assumptions about the supposed ‘ purity ’ of basic human nature and its distortion by culture and civilisation .
9 In the conduct of fiscal policy the government has to receive Parliamentary approval before proposed changes in taxation or public expenditure can be made effective , and obviously the planning of a Budget and its acceptance by Parliament is a time-consuming process .
10 However , there were others , more distinctively local in their orientation : the gradual demise of the traditional two-tier model of primary school management and its replacement by three-tier and matrix models ; the desirability of building on the diversification of staff management roles which PNP has produced , avoiding any contraction of such roles as a consequence of LMS ; the need to acknowledge the pivotal role , for good or ill , played by primary heads , and to work with and through rather than round or against them ; the need to expand the focus of management training courses to encompass the roles and needs of all staff ( not just those of the ‘ managers ’ as conventionally defined ) , to locate management strategies in whole-school analysis , and generally to broaden the concept of ‘ management ’ which currently informs such courses ; the importance of training , support and INSET for heads , and of ensuring that these give close attention to the broader aspects of the expertise needed for headship , such as professional knowledge and personal relationships as well as the more obvious tasks , roles and strategies .
11 During the twentieth century more houses became tied with the decline of the landlord — tenant system in farming and its replacement by owner-occupation , and since the Second World War the chronic shortage of housing in rural areas has increased the importance of tied cottages still further .
12 Midge holds her son and her daughter-in-law by cupboard love , having become an excellent cook — ironically , her husband abandoned her in part because the food was so bad .
13 New York : On January 30 , 300 members of ACT-UP ( Aids Coalition To Unleash Power ) staged-a massive kiss-in in the waiting room of St. Vincent 's Hospital , following a violent assault on a lesbian rape survivor and her lover by hospital security guards .
14 Turning to what has been termed the analytical approach to materials in which the reasons for the macroscopically observed behaviour are sought in molecular configurations and other aspects of microstructure , there has been a recent acceleration of research into polymer chain configurations and their modification by stress and deformation .
15 It was a fancy which occupied their thoughts by day and their dreams by night .
16 Far from being a source of cheap labour , the country has a talented work-force and the route forward is application of those skills , and their revolution by way of involvement and training .
17 They 've gone a lot of funny ways , the Cauldhames and their associates by marriage , but to the best of my knowledge a gun has never crossed one off .
18 First , with the withdrawal of housing benefit and income support and their replacement by student loans , students now get less , not more , money .
19 3 ) Immediate simultaneous withdrawal of all troops ( foreign multinational and Iraqi ) and their replacement by Arab and UN troops under the supervision of the United Nations .
20 Counsel for the ‘ Seventeen Towns ’ , claimed by Finch to be within the forest bounds , produced in rebuttal the perambulations of 1298 and 1300 , and their confirmation by Act of Parliament in 1336 , urging also that these towns had been out of the forest by ‘ the long and constant Usage ever since .
21 The research will study the training of farm managers at college and their recruitment by farm management companies and individual landowners .
22 If despite your gloomy forebodings your client nevertheless instructs you to proceed , confirm your advice and his instructions by letter , and advise your client 's mortgagees , if you act for them , or if not , advise their solicitors of the provision and do n't agree the draft until you know that the term is acceptable to them , too .
23 Particular attention has correspondingly been drawn to the manner in which moral blemishes in Symkyn the miller and his relatives by blood and marriage pervade the Reeve 's Tale and govern — or are implicit in — the unfolding of the narrative .
24 When he arose , he took the young child and his mother by night , and departed into Egypt .
25 The English claimed that , ‘ such right belonged to the King of England and his subjects by law and custom ’ .
26 The Inner London Education Authority ( ILEA ) survived the abolition of the Greater London Council , but its control by Labour did not endear it to the Conservative government .
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