Example sentences of "[coord] [pos pn] [noun] for [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Surely this was another clue , another coded reference ; either that or my capacity for fantasy , temporarily dislodged from my visual imagination , had taken up residence in another realm , polluting my very ability to comprehend .
2 He announced his decision yesterday , saying : ‘ I have n't lost my edge or my appetite for boxing . ’
3 Alongside this , the US Supreme Court has expanded citizens ' rights to sue police departments or their chief for officer misconduct .
4 The strict parent or the sarcastic schoolteacher may act more from a suppressed need to hurt than from his or her desire for discipline or wish to be thought amusing .
5 Where a registered foreign lawyer is required to pay an annual contribution , but has , during the period specified in his or her application for renewal of registration , mainly practised from an office or offices outside England and Wales , that annual contribution shall be reduced to one quarter of the full amount determined under Schedule 14 paragraph ( 7 ) ( 2 ) ( a ) of the Act , rounded to the nearest five pounds .
6 be supported in his or her application for membership by the principal or head of department of the college , polytechnic or university .
7 To our interjection that on the evidence from Poland and other European countries under Russian domination , applied Marxism had neither created the wealth nor allowed the freedom to enable the purpose , as it is perceived in the democratic west , of the State to be realised — that is , to provide the circumstances in which the individual may most fully live a life of his or her own and so fulfill his or her potential for awareness and creativity , he would reply that that perception was mistaken ; and go on to remind us that he had attached supreme importance to the State .
8 Erm with regard to a site specific policy , if it 's additional , and there 's no clear need for it it 's not catered for within the allocation which is er provided for within the structure plan , then we could be left with a major site with a clear commitment to its development or its suitability for development and and no end user .
9 Natural selection is no tautology , because there is no a priori proof , from its definition alone , for its existence , nor then for its prevalence , or its adequacy or its responsibility for evolution .
10 The Don has always been kind to me and my opportunity for revenge came sooner , rather than later .
11 I refer to my letter to EMI of 5 June ( copy attached ) and my request for permission for Oxford University Press to use certain tracks in a non-broadcast educational video entitled Project Video .
12 Please sharpen your scalpel and prepare me and my guitar for surgery .
13 Kirsty and my application for custody . ’
14 I ca n't remember feeling particularly ill , but my energy was now back to zero and my zest for life at a nadir .
15 By the light of torches I could see one policeman but he could not see me , and my pleas for help were not heeded .
16 Major topics in this literature are marital happiness , the division of labour and the general patterning of husband-wife roles ; the combination of women 's employment with marriage , and its consequences for husband-wife and mother-child relationships ; the inter-relationships between the nuclear family and the wider kinship system ; and the ‘ captive wife ’ syndrome — the socially isolated situation of women with young children .
17 In six chapters and 191 pages ( including useful notes and bibliography ) , Cable outlines a new theory of Old English ( OE ) alliterative verse ; explores the revival of alliterative writing in Middle English ( ME ) ; empirically demonstrates the distribution of final -e and its consequences for metricality in ME texts both alliterative and rhymed ; explores the superficially similar decasyllabic metres of Chaucer and Shakespeare , concluding that they are respectively different underlying metres ; and ends with a chapter on " theoretical implications " which links prosodic theory with critical theory .
18 The conditional theory and its consequences for scepticism are expounded in Nozick ( 1981 ) pt 2 , especially pp. 172–8 and 197–227 .
19 Those readers who have applied to traditional funding organisations for support will know that their ideas will be subjected to independent ‘ peer ’ review ; that is , comments are invited ( often in secret ) from those working in related fields on the quality of the proposed research and its chances for success .
20 A commentator 's article in the mainland People 's Daily of March 18 welcomed the new programme , especially its proposal for direct postal , trade and shipping services between Taiwan and the mainland , but referred to " quite a few questionable points " , including the Taiwan government 's demand for recognition as an independent and equal political entity , and its preconditions for unification : democracy , free economy , equal society and the rationalization of the armed forces .
21 However , you do recognize that Policy E Ten and its requirement for proof of need is important in regard to the boundaries of insets ?
22 Consider the equilibrium between a liquid and its vapour for example ( see figure 6.3 ) .
23 The cuts reflects the agency 's belief that Memorex 's operating performance is weak and its expectation for market conditions to remain difficult in the near term .
24 Thus , he acquainted himself with the meanings of the songs he heard them singing , songs of love and emigration ; with inheritances and alliances between these western chieftains ; with the size and topography of Raasay and its suitability for animal husbandry .
25 Telekia speciosa , from southeastern Europe and western Asia , is a perennial noted for its bold pile of large , long-stalked , heart-shaped leaves and its suitability for waterside planting although , like Inula magnifica , it is satisfactory in most deep rich soils .
26 The UK has always been a net exporter of carpets and its reputation for quality has worldwide acclaim .
27 Regarding to aEF-1α we have described its purification procedure and its affinity for GDP and GTP together with its molecular , functional and chemical-physical properties ( 2,3 ) .
28 The aim of RE according to the phenomenologists is promoting respect for , and understanding of , religion and its significance for behaviour in such a way as to leave intact pupils ' integrity — it is not educating into religion in any way , but educating about religion understood as more than information because involving a positive and creative approach to pluralism .
29 Firstly , the heading gives the impression that the production plans for the car and its fitness for purpose are in some way in doubt and this is very far from the true situation .
30 The study of landscape is one of the oldest sub-disciplines within geography , but during the quantitative revolution of the 1960s and early 1970s such work was roundly criticized for its descriptive nature and its search for uniqueness .
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