Example sentences of "[coord] [pos pn] [noun] [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Mr. Miller , of whom I must always retain the highest sense , both for the Knowledge I have received from his Labours , and more particularly that Friendship and Communicativeness with which he always treated me , was blessed with a more favourable Situation in the progress of his Experiments , by enjoying the kind Influence of the Sun ( the parent of Vegetation ) in so high a Degree as to have the Vine in full ripeness on the natural Wall , without the assistance of Art ; and could we all experience the same Felicity , I need not have communicated my Observations or my Countrymen wanted an other Tutor …
2 His initial steps were taken to foil what he interpreted as attempts by the superpowers or their proxies to bolster the bipolar order .
3 Once appointed , circuit judges can be sacked only for incapacity or misbehaviour ( one lost his job in 1984 after involvement in a smuggling racket ) , while to get rid of High Court judges or their seniors demands a joint address of both Houses of Parliament to the Queen .
4 When the old house was practically uninhabitable , they or their sons built a new farmstead in the midst of their own fields and migrated from the village .
5 In all three cases the Court has stressed the gravity of revenge attacks and the danger of dissatisfied victims or their relatives taking the law into their own hands , and then found reasons to mitigate the sentence so as to allow the immediate release of the offender .
6 ‘ although in the Act of 1990 Parliament introduced a new statutory machinery for supervising and regulating the rules for education and conduct for those who are to have rights of audience in the courts it decided not to interfere expressly with the jurisdiction of the Inns , under the supervision of the judges , to decide who were fit and proper persons to be admitted to the Inns for training or their liberty to decide the criteria which should dictate their admissions policy .
7 Patients with ischaemic heart disease , epilepsy or non-hypoglycaemia related seizure disorder , uncontrolled hypertension , or unstable proliferative retinopathy , and those taking drugs that might interfere with autonomic or cognitive function or their ability to complete the study were excluded .
8 It 's a refreshing change from all the bands who 've been too busy staring at the stars or their shoes to risk a glimpse at one another .
9 But because they had taken out a personal accident insurance , they or their beneficiaries received a substantial cash lump sum just when they needed it most .
10 Between three and five hundred people are believed to be in detention solely for exercising their rights to freedom of expression , association or assembly or their right to leave the country .
11 Almost invariably the first step in the enforcement of a charge is for the debentureholders or their trustee to obtain the appointment of a receiver .
12 Typically the conciliation officer will contact each party or their representatives to discuss the case .
13 ( 2 ) An occurrence to which this section applies is one which — ( a ) affected either parent of the child in his or her ability to have a normal , healthy child ; or ( b ) affected the mother during her pregnancy , or affected her or the child in the course of its birth , so that the child is born with disabilities which would not otherwise have been present .
14 During my year in office I want every solicitor to reflect on how his or her work serves the community and consider whether there is anything more they may wish to do in their practices , their local communities or their home lives which would widen their contribution . ’
15 Yet the reality is that it is only in companies where each shareholder has a sufficiently substantial stake in the company to make it worth his or her while performing the tasks of monitoring and supervising the behaviour of the directors that this constitutional framework can hope to provide an adequate control on the behaviour of directors .
16 The winner will stay in a top London hotel and receive top-to-tail grooming at Peter 's Posh Pets while his or her owner enjoys the human equivalent at Harrods .
17 ‘ I do n't trust her or her dressmaker to get the children 's clothes right . ’
18 As stipulated above , if a property is being sold subject to and with the benefit of existing tenancies , instead of vacant possession of the whole property being given , the buyer will require an authority addressed to each tenant signed either by the seller-landlord or by his or her solicitor notifying the tenant of the sale and authorising the tenant to pay future rent to the buyer ( see Chapter 9 , head 7 ) .
19 Form 63 requires a statutory declaration ( in Form 14 ) by either the cautioner or her solicitor disclosing the nature of the cautioner 's interest .
20 In France itself the Valois family had good dynastic reasons for wishing to see Isabella removed from France and embroiled in English domestic politics : Charles IV was the last of the Capetians in the direct male line , and the question of Isabella 's title to the throne , or her right to pass the title to her son , might soon arise .
21 The position I have tried to adopt is that whilst the atheist must demand clarity , the theist can argue that the nature of his or her task necessitates a use of language that is bound to be criticised as unusual , although it can not be allowed to be contradictory .
22 The hall porter will be able to organise his or her staff to handle the luggage for departing guests .
23 By the early 1960s , however , no political scientist who was worth his or her salt doubted the fact that interest groups provided the key to unlock the workings of British politics .
24 ’ The price of clean air must include changes in how each resident uses his or her car says the official plan adopted by the South Coast Air Quality Management District .
25 Teachers must value the child 's contribution and through anticipation of his or her needs provide the necessary tools for the child to exhibit the work in the best possible light .
26 The paradigm ‘ middle class ’ employee on the other hand will have some kind of ‘ white-collar ’ job , will come from a non-manual background , will be educated beyond the minimum and will expect his or her employment to have the trajectory of a ‘ career ’ , and will own a home .
27 ‘ I babysit for them about once a fortnight while Graham stays at home with our own children , and she or her husband do the same for us , ’ explains Sally .
28 In summary , the future pattern will probably include the following ingredients : 1 recognition that oral reading and silent reading should proceed simultaneously , from entry into school ; 2 longer periods given to individual reading interviews , which will necessitate re-organisation of the curriculum , with a greater emphasis on group work based on collaborative learning ; 3 the group work will have clear outcomes , many of which will start with silent reading and result in reading aloud for communication ; 4 the teaching of phonics will be seen as one possible cueing system only , resulting in the use of more intrinsically interesting texts which will enable contextual hypotheses ; 5 the realisation that books as such may be diminishing , will demand that other forms of print are incorporated into reading aloud in school , for example , from computers and teletext ; 6 the teacher 's professionalism will be accepted as lying in the understanding of the reading process and the development of the child , and in his or her power to train the child to read independently for real purposes as early as possible .
29 Alternatively , the purchaser may simply consider that there is a high probability of claims arising under the warranties and is unsure as to the financial ability of the vendor to pay for future claims or its ability to locate an individual vendor who for example , may emigrate .
30 Prior to a meeting of the General Committee being called to consider the nominations , the Executive Committee of this party shall consult with the National Executive Committee or its officer to determine the validity of the nominations received .
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