Example sentences of "[coord] [vb mod] be [verb] to " in BNC.

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1 The price in a contract of sale may be fixed by the contract , or may be left to be fixed in a manner agreed by the contract , or may be determined by the course of dealing between the parties .
2 Open price contracts are specifically provided for in ss8 and 9 of SGA 1979 which state : 8 – ( 1 ) The price in a contract of sale may be fixed by the contract , or may be left to be fixed in a manner agreed by the contract , or may be determined by the course of dealing between the parties .
3 Counselling is concerned with coping mechanisms which may be related to physical health problems , or may be personal and linked to relationships , or sociocultural issues including spiritual beliefs , or may be linked to economic difficulties .
4 Gillard J. also accepted that the moment that the injury was sustained by the plaintiff was , or should be deemed to be , the moment of the plaintiff 's birth .
5 It is true to say that the ‘ reforms ’ have been taking place along several different tracks at the same time , and it would be simplistic to suppose that the single element called ‘ case management ’ could or should be expected to ‘ make the difference ’ in isolation from other aspects of the reforms .
6 The point at issue is whether such affective , and essentially subjective , aspects of educational and personal development can or should be subjected to formal recognition in the certification process .
7 That copy must either be under the seal of the corporation or company , or must be certified to be a true copy by the secretary or a director of that organisation ( r 8.7 ) .
8 Child benefit could be made taxable , or could be restricted to women whose children are not yet of school age .
9 Within aristocratic and mercantile societies , conflicts about style and tendency , as well as more general social and economic tensions and conflicts in arts practice , were often resolved , or could be attempted to be resolved , by movement from one patron or kind of patron or intermediary to another .
10 No representation or other affirmation of fact by anyone shall be or shall be deemed to be a warranty by DW .
11 He is also told to , ‘ never cease your labour , your care and diligence , until you have done all that lieth in you , according to your bounden duty , to bring all such as are or shall be committed to your charge , unto … knowledge of God ’ .
12 7.1 You shall indemnify us against all loss , actions , costs , claims , demands , expenses and liabilities whatsoever ( if any ) which we may incur either at common law or by statute in respect of personal injury to or the death of any person or in respect of any loss or destruction of or damage to property ( other than as a result of any default or neglect of ourselves or of any person for whom we are responsible ) which shall have occurred in connection with any work executed by you against this Order or shall be alleged to be attributable to some defect in the goods .
13 It would also have to be decided whether direct income payments and other forms of support for farmers would be exempt or would be considered to be export subsidies .
14 Where , however , there are conditions precedent to a lease being granted , eg the fact that the premises have not yet been constructed by the landlord , or the tenant is to carry out works before the lease is granted , or there is some other reason preventing the immediate completion of the lease , the parties will , or would be advised to , enter into an agreement for lease , perhaps along the following lines .
15 The appropriate fee should either accompany the application form , or will be debited to your firm 's credit account where appropriate .
16 Furthermore , the teacher should not forget to relate his photocopied material to an item or items which have been , are being or will be referred to during the lesson .
17 There is also uncertainty about whether the economic benefits of industrial growth centres will spread to the surrounding areas or will be restricted to the centre .
18 Or is there any sense in which those who oppose and vote against a particular policy or decision can be said to assent to it , or can be said to be governing themselves when they have voted against the policy that has been adopted ?
19 In many instances , however , a related or competitive product of a similar type which is known to , or can be presumed to , exhibit satisfactory stability under market conditions , can often be included and can provide valuable help in the evaluation of the test data .
20 Faxes can be saved in order to be printed later or can be sent to other system subscribers — again using the keypad on a touch tone phone .
21 These are usually determined by the conductivity measured under controlled conditions , the instrument used giving readings that indicate , or can be related to , the content of dissolved salts in the water .
22 The question as to what is , or can be considered to be , productive and unproductive labour , and productive and unproductive consumption , has been the subject of hot debate , going back to Adam Smith and beyond .
23 An alternate Director as such shall not ( save as aforesaid ) have power to act as a Director nor shall be deemed to be a Director for the purpose of these Articles .
24 An alternate Director as such shall not ( save as aforesaid ) have power to act as a Director nor shall be deemed to be a Director for the purpose of these Articles .
25 Radio-carbon or C14 dating was first applied in 1949 and together with other evidence now provides the chronology for the last 50,000 years and may be extended to 75,000 years .
26 The plan will be implemented next year and may be extended to other species such as hen harriers , buzzards and merlins .
27 The use of keys to move between fields is fully described in Section 2 and summarised in Appendix A. Thirty two roles are available within LIFESPAN and may be assigned to a user by marking the Y/N field with a Y and deassigned by marking the Y/N field with a N .
28 Subsidence is common in certain oceanic areas and may be related to the creation and collapse of mid-ocean rises ( Stoddart , I 969 ) .
29 These suggest that bleomycin distorts the DNA structure around its binding site to a form which is more readily cleaved by DNase I. This effect has been noted with natural DNA sequences [ 10 ] and may be related to the ability of the antibiotic to unwind and extend the DNA helix .
30 Emission standards are designated for a large number of pollutants or combinations of pollutants and may be applied to individual or specific groups of emitters .
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