Example sentences of "[coord] [vb mod] [adv] provide [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Director of Studies : ‘ We need to start with high expectations , identify who has n't , or ca n't provide colours , then offer to provide them out of School Fund .
2 The Sighthill Section is required to connect the Glasgow/Edinburgh Road ( A8 ) with the northern end of the Colinton Section and should eventually provide traffic relief to local routes such as Wester Hailes Road which will , on carrying only local traffic , result in increased amenity and convenience .
3 Display your children 's art lesson masterpieces round the room — it will encourage and gratify them and will certainly provide talking points .
4 The Company has an experienced field service group which can provide complete maintenance programmes at any location , and can also provide teams of qualified technicians to remove and reinstall engines .
5 Songs can teach , can reinforce the norms of the society and can often provide reassurance of order and continuity in confused and troubled times .
6 In all cases the Action Team works with LEDU and can sometimes provide support in addition to that which LEDU can provide and in other cases can provide assistance to firms not eligible for LEDU assistance .
7 For example , Revill states that ‘ there is a great need for proper evaluation of the various teaching methods adopted in the library ’ , and Lubans has pointed out , in 1972 , that ‘ the results of evaluation not only present possible alternatives for better programmes but should also provide standards of performance for such instruction ’ .
8 The research assesses the impact of European law which might constrain the national policy makers but might also provide industry with a means of challenging national policies which contravene European law .
9 The results would not only set the baseline against which the effectiveness of the LURG could be measured , but would also provide fuel for debate , identify educational needs and suggest areas for possible research or development .
10 I am always surprised that clubs will happily buy an expensive tractor to pull gliders back , but will not provide aids to make it all less strenuous and time-consuming .
11 The merging of Palatine with AW will not only provide the enlarged group with additional valuable brewing facilities and tied estate , but will also provide Palatine with an immediate opportunity to compete effectively beyond its traditional boundaries while maintaining the identity of its brands , its products and its tied estate .
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