Example sentences of "[coord] [subord] [art] [noun sg] [modal v] " in BNC.

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1 Cases where the non-disclosure to the proper authority is illegal , as amounting to compounding a felony or a misdemeanour of public import , or where the publication would constitute a public libel , are a fortiori .
2 But the job of lifting the standards of people employed , giving them proper training , and paying a wage which breaks dependence on overtime and lifts morale : this together must far exceed the costs of the technology , and it is n't by any means clear what the bill will be or where the money will come from .
3 At the grass-roots , the deliverer of the service has to make no judgements about when or where the delivery should take place .
4 The letter did not indicate what would be blown up or where the blast would be staged , one of the defence lawyers , Austin Campriello , said .
5 Part of the art of angling is to look at a stretch of water , to analyse the clues of current , depth and cover and to decide , for example , where the roach are likely to lie or where the barbel may be shoaled up .
6 In fact , the biggest section of people involved in the social security system are ordinary working people — the 20 million or so people who contribute every week to the national insurance fund , those mugs who pay in every week in the mistaken belief that at the end of their working days , or if a crisis should arise , they will have benefits to fall back on when times get tough .
7 If they are subject to the court 's jurisdiction , or if the court can compel a party to produce them … , violation of the other country 's judicial sovereignty is avoided by ordering that the deposition take place outside the country .
8 Implications : the implications of the change and any alternatives or compromises which are possible , particularly if the affected programs will be used only once or if the change will require a considerable amount of development effort
9 ‘ The understanding is that the auctioneer should not part with possession of them ( the goods ) to the purchaser except against payment of the price ; or if the auctioneer should part with them without receiving payment , he is responsible to the vendor for the price … .
10 There was no consensus about whether or not this high rate reflected a higher amount of crime , or if the difference could be attributed to false cases in Sri Lanka or the failure to report crime in India .
11 Alternatively , or if the room can not be sealed , it can be disinfected using an agent such as Tegodor , a combination of formaldehyde , glutaraldehyde and quaternary compounds ( Th .
12 If the pupil has not been excluded permanently , but his been excluded for an indefinite period , the governors can only order the head teacher to reinstate him/her if the aggregate period of exclusion would be more than five days in any term or if the pupil would miss an opportunity to take a public examination .
13 Approved by 193 votes to 39 with 33 abstentions , the new law permitted a termination during the first 12 weeks of a pregnancy which was the result of rape or which endangered the life of the mother , if the foetus was malformed , or if the pregnancy would cause a " psychological crisis " or a " social problem " .
14 That if the rent hereby reserved or any part thereof shall remain unpaid for twenty-one days after the same shall have become due ( whether formally demanded or not ) or if any covenant on the part of the Tenant herein contained shall not be performed or observed or if the Tenant shall become bankrupt or enter into any composition with his creditors it shall be lawful for the Landlord to re-enter upon the premises or any point thereof in the name of the whole and thereupon this demise shall absolutely determine .
15 Most constructions projects require some subcontractor involvement either because of the specialized nature of part of the work which the main contractor is unable to carry out or because the subcontractor can do the job at lower cost than the main contractor .
16 While the empirical tests reveal an arbitrage opportunity , this can not be profitably exploited due to the use of stale prices in the computation of the index , the use of non-synchronous closing prices , inadequate allowance for transactions costs , regulatory restrictions ( such as the US uptick restriction on short selling shares , which limits arbitrage aimed at removing an underpricing of futures contracts ) , time lags in trading the portfolio of shares corresponding to the index , the presence of arbitrage risk ( the arbitrage transaction is not riskless due to uncertain dividends , uncertain interest rates , failure to unwind the share position at the EDSP , and so on ) or because the model used to compute the no-arbitrage prices is incorrect .
17 Parents agonising over names for their children might consider the pitfalls of choosing a unisex name such as Lesley/Leslie , Beverley or Vivian , or whether a name can be shortened into an undesirable nickname .
18 1 Decide whether or not a photograph is really needed or whether a drawing might not be better able to make the point .
19 The question is whether grammar ought to be taught as a separate formal study , like harmony or counterpoint , or whether a teacher can assume that it will be picked up through practice .
20 it is for the Commissioner of Police , or the chief constable , as the case may be , to decide in any particular case whether enquiries should be pursued , or whether an arrest should be made , or a prosecution brought .
21 " It is for the Chief Constable … to decide in any particular case whether enquiries should be pursued or whether an arrest should be made …
22 Therefore , in determining whether damages will be a sufficient remedy or whether an injunction should be granted , the normal considerations of balance of convenience must apply .
23 Be that as it may , the real question at issue is whether the provision was intended simply to provide a remedy in respect of proprietary rights that either entitled the proprietor to have some entry made on the register or entitled the proprietor to have some entry removed from the register or whether the provision should be construed as creating a new cause of action entitling the court to make rectification orders as it might in its discretion think fit in favour of persons who would not under substantive law , apart from paragraph ( b ) , have any proprietary rights which they could assert against the registered proprietor or chargee .
24 The examples commonly cited are whether antibiotics must be administered if the patient contracts pneumonia , or whether the patient must be resuscitated if he suffers heart failure .
25 This means that a decision must be taken on whether the in-use setting can be recreated in the studio or whether the photography should be done on location .
26 Whilst it is clear that an employee can not be prevented from using his general skill and knowledge once employment is over , there has been some doubt until recently as to whether the employer could exert any control over such use during employment or whether the law would imply such control .
27 More fundamentally , the decision in Katsikas raises the issue of whether the employee can most effectively be safeguarded by legal provisions which are mandatory and so can not be contracted out of or whether the law must respect the employee 's freedom to choose .
28 What I 'm not clear about is whether you are suggesting that the panel , make some strong comments in their report to the County Council on the need for appropriate phasing , or whether the panel should recommend that policy H one be divided into phasing periods .
29 What actually happens in 2002 depends on whether both parties are prepared to extend the loan agreement , although the Baron tells us that he considers this unlikely or whether the government can afford to buy any of the pictures .
30 The accountant will need to make the policy decision as to which accounting period the invoices should be costed in , or whether the cost should be split .
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