Example sentences of "[coord] [v-ing] of the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Just as the ‘ Verbivore ’ phenomenon is caused through a flattening or levelling of the modulations of air waves , so the hierarchy of narrative levels is ‘ flattened ’ such that it becomes impossible in any given instance to determine whose account we are reading or whose mind we are supposedly ‘ inside ’ .
2 all consequences suffered by the Carrier ( including but not limited to claims , demands , proceedings , fines , penalties , damages , costs , expenses , and loss of or damage to the carrying vehicle and to other goods carried ) of any error , omission , mis-statement or misrepresentation by the Trader or other owner of the goods or by any servant or agent of either of them , insufficient or improper packing , labelling or addressing of the goods or fraud as in Condition 10 :
3 The new remedy rapidly encroached upon the spheres of trespass and replevin so that at one time it looked as if any ‘ asportation ’ or moving of the property might be regarded not only as a trespass to it but also conversion of it , but this very wide doctrine was restricted to a principle that the dealing with the goods must amount to a denial of the owner 's title .
4 or pattering of the skin with eye lashes ?
5 If the supply of vitamins and mineral in the diet is inadequate , this will result in changes in body chemistry , and a slowing down or altering of the body 's metabolism , usually with some deterioration in body fitness or health .
6 There is a defence that the distributor , displayer or player who had no intention to stir up racial hatred was ignorant of , and had no reason to suspect that the contents of the item in question were threatening , abusive or insulting , and the section does not apply where the showing or playing of the recording is solely for the purpose of inclusion in a cable programme service .
7 When I obey or defy ‘ Face facts ’ , my welcoming or resisting of the facts is itself a psychological process in causal interaction with spontaneous inclination ; on the one hand emotional bias distorts judgement , on the other desire or aversion veers with additional information .
8 Because we boys used to like the windbound lying and talking and in the galley and smelling of the coming from the galley , all the saucepans and things like that .
9 It was found that although a four-week tutorial programme had been prepared , the children in the mainstream school were far more receptive and accepting of the situation and could not see any reason for delaying the child 's integration .
10 Visualise the scene , feel yourself in the chair , sense the cat 's soft fur , hear the hissing and crackling of the fire , smell the woodsmoke , taste the wine … .
11 The room had fallen deathly silent except for Cranston 's abrupt questions , the equally abrupt answers and the snapping and crackling of the logs in the fire .
12 Dogmatics thus has a critical function in relation to the present witness and preaching of the church , recalling it to its basis and assisting it to uncover and hear what it is called to say today .
13 In this , we find sections on call to worship ; confession ; praise ; reading of scripture and preaching of the word ; response to the word ; communion ; blessing .
14 Closely associated with the proclamation and preaching of the Word was scriptural hymnody , in the form of metrical psalms .
15 Chaired by the head of English , and consisting of the librarian and heads of all departments or their representatives , its terms of reference were to make recommendations to the head on the best ways to spend the money , to formulate a project proposal , and to oversee all subsequent matters of library policy .
16 When the day for her departure arrived nobody could be heard for the weeping and wailing of the girls .
17 Peter set up Nottinghamshire 's library in the winter of 1978–79 with the assistance of then chairman Dick Milnes : ‘ I spent the winter filling in gaps in the collection and disposing of the duplicates .
18 decommissioning our radioactive facilities and disposing of the waste cost-effectively , while meeting stringent safety and environmental requirements , as well as managing a small number of other government nuclear programmes which remain ;
19 more or less with what 's a good will and who you have to have in mind and disposing of the estate and being tax effective so that that .
20 In 1988 the average cost of collecting and disposing of the rubbish from an American household was about $90 — against its spending of $120 on newspapers or $450 on telephone service .
21 He 's charged with dismembering and disposing of the body of Stephen Davison , from Swindon ,
22 Nevertheless , local government does have a powerful democratic role as well as an important executive one , and much thought and effort need to be given to the improvement and up-dating of the system to improve its performance .
23 Gelsemium , in its provings , has aching of the muscles and stiffness in the neck region , weakness and trembling of the limbs , shivers and chills , occipital headache , double vision , dullness and apathy .
24 He wriggled and heard its creaks amid the incessant pounding and splashing of the shower .
25 Haze , position of the sun , ground reflection and ranging of the field of view are the most critical .
26 Major commitments in the concluding joint statement ( i ) ratified previous commitments made under the 1987 Esquipulas II or " Arias " peace process [ see pp. 35440-42 ] and welcomed new peace dialogues in El Salvador and Guatemala [ see below ] ; ( ii ) re-affirmed commitments to strengthen and consolidate democracy in the region and to respect human rights ; ( iii ) expressed satisfaction with the running of the recent Nicaraguan elections [ see p. 37236 ] and demanded an immediate start to the demobilization and disarming of the contra rebels under UN supervision which was to be completed by April 27 [ but see pp. 37370-71 ] ; ( iv ) agreed on a meeting of a joint regional security commission to take place in Costa Rica on May 15 ; ( v ) undertook to reorganize , strengthen and reactivate regional economic integration , to review foreign debt conditions and to urge the international financial community to provide additional resources under favourable terms ; and ( vi ) agreed on regional co-operation to eliminate illegal drug trafficking .
27 A volunteer for taking and compiling of the minutes and producing of them .
28 Sea levels have risen and fallen with the coming and going of the ice ages as they have everywhere else .
29 A crowd of 40 , perhaps 50 , had gathered to watch the coming and going of the police and the counter-terrorism team .
30 Strains of jazz throbbed and boomed overhead , muted by the open air and varying in volume with the capricious comings and going of the breeze from the lake .
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