Example sentences of "[coord] [v-ing] him [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 A spokeswoman said : ‘ We were not condoning what he did or holding him up as someone who should be followed .
2 The author has felt that these latter efforts have not in some way brought out the real flavour of the game in the sense that the play does not take place on a real pitch , surrounded by players who get in the way of run-making and occasionally do their stuff by bowling the batsman out or sending him back to the pavilion by some other means .
3 A good caddie also has to be something of a psychologist , knowing when to cajole his player into making a better effort ; calming him down when he 's just three-putted or blazed a drive into the rough ; or steadying him up from being over-confident or over-zealous when the adrenalin is flowing after a couple of good holes .
4 The alternatives would seem to be handing General Noriega to the US forces to face trial on drug-trafficking charges , which the Vatican has said it will not do , or giving him up to the new Panamanian Government , which has already declared it ‘ has enough on him to put Noriega away for life ’ .
5 He refused to talk about his businesswoman wife who often followed his rounds wearing bright , tight dresses and cheering him on at every green .
6 He came up off the floor in one swift , powerful lunge , slamming the full force of his body into Boisson and driving him back towards the dungeon before the man could gather himself for another swing .
7 " But I mind , I mind very much ! " he snapped , and walked with quick , short steps back to Fernando , taking his arm and leading him off into the crowd .
8 It 's because you love him that you feel like killing him and wiping him out of your life .
9 These included tying lots of cushions to the Goblin , making parachutes , and kitting him out with wings .
10 Of course Alison was not ‘ living in ’ the house , but was often there visiting Patrick ( her help as a nurse was no longer required ) , joining Jack in his studio ( where she talked with him about his work ) , or chatting with him and Franca in the drawing room or kitchen before departing with Jack to a restaurant and taking him on to her flat for the night .
11 One of them proposed arresting him as he lay on his bed and taking him off to prison with all the bedclothes .
12 Some of the near contemporary songs which have survived from the period describe Rodrigo himself as capturing Garcia and handing him over to the brothers .
13 ‘ Ah , no ! ’ said Isambard , discerning his flight and plucking him back to earth .
14 They only person in the play to whom he reveals some of his real feelings is Roderigo , but only while using him as a tool , spending his money , and working him up to be the accomplice in his attack on Othello .
15 Last of his stick to leave the C130 , Grant 's rate of descent was half again as fast as the rest , taking him past the others , and plummeting him down in a whirling corkscrew .
16 Bob Geldof would shine as scruffy Larry but cleaning him up for the post wedding scenes could be hard .
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