Example sentences of "[coord] [v-ing] up [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Occasionally , hormonal disturbance , particularly of the thyroid gland , may lead to a slowing down or speeding up of the metabolic rate .
2 Proceedings for the dissolution or winding up of a partnership shall be commenced in the court for the district in which the partnership business was or is carried on ( Ord 4 , r 5 ) .
3 From time to time , taking one to lunch or meeting up for a drink gives you a chance to talk shop and learn about the other 's work and publications .
4 For instance , how many people have watched a woman carrying a load of shopping and a three year old child , or cleaning up after an incontinent elderly relation , and still been able to maintain that some jobs are too heavy and dirty for women ?
5 This narrowing or furring up of the arteries can slow down the flow of the blood to your heart ( giving rise to the condition known as angina ) or even cut off the supply completely , at which point a heart attack then occurs .
6 To put it another way : when the cat is on heat ( which she has n't been since the vet gave her the unkindest cut of all ) , nevertheless when she was , she had very little time for chasing moths hanging unsubtly round the fridge or cuddling up for a neck scratch .
7 THE TVP 's crank-driven DIY rock ‘ n ’ roll may sound dated in these wearing , uncaring times , but that said they still have n't lost the knack of pulling a good tune from seemingly nowhere or coming up with an idea that will tug at your sleeve for attention .
8 If the choice now is between shoring up a democratically bankrupt Westminster or standing up for the restoration of Scottish democracy , then I am for Scottish democracy .
9 It was held that a manufacturer of products , which he sells in such a form as to show that he intends them to reach the ultimate consumer in the form in which they left him , with no reasonable possibility of intermediate examination , and with the knowledge that the absence of reasonable care in the preparation or putting up of the products will result in injury to the consumer 's life or property , owes a duty to the consumer to take reasonable care .
10 A manufacturer of products , which he sells in such a form as to show that he intends them –o reach the ultimate consumer in the form in which they left him , with no reasonable possibility of intermediate examination , and with the knowledge that the absence of reasonable care in the preparation or putting up of the products is likely to result in injury to the consumer 's life or property , owes a duty to the consumer to take reasonable care .
11 Lord Atkin laid down the narrow rule in Donoghue v Stevenson [ 1932 ] AC 562 : A manufacturer of products , which he sells in such a form as to show that he intends them to reach the ultimate consumer in the form in which they left him with no reasonable possibility of intermediate examination , and with the knowledge that the absence of reasonable care in the preparation or putting up of the products will result in an injury to the consumer 's life or property , owes a duty to the consumer to take reasonable care .
12 The plaintiff must prove that the manufacturer failed to take reasonable care in the preparation or putting up of the product .
13 ( b ) in requiring the measurement or weighing up of an historical problem .
14 I called out that we were ready , but there was no answer , and when I returned to the bedroom I found her lying back full length on the bed , her eyes open and gazing up at the ceiling with that same vacant stare .
15 Laura sighed , leaning back on the hard bench and gazing up at the overcast sky .
16 Heaven knows what pollution of the ocean is occurring in the form of emission of radionuclides , and building up in the various food chains in which plankton play a part .
17 Anyway they would land down at our place most weekends , because we used to take the Darlington and Stockton Times , and they would all be smoking their pipes and talking , asking , ‘ What hast thou fresh , now ’ and catching up on the comings and goings of Baldersdale .
18 Well , it 's good to be back on the list and catching up on the mountain of messages .
19 He enjoyed the camaraderie of police life and spent several minutes going about the murder squad office , exchanging pleasantries with officers he did not know and catching up with the latest news .
20 The water , flooding over the pastures in winter and oozing up through the summer marshes , held the key to these balanced systems .
21 Every time he went into one of those phone-booths , he had a mental image of something going wrong , of a faster-than-usual trace , of a plain-clothes policeman being only a few yards away , taking the alarm on his personal radio and walking up to the phone-booth .
22 It 's debatable whether PGA is the best golf game , but it 's certainly the easiest to get into without the fuss of reading pages of instructions and swatting up on the physics of the humble golf ball .
23 And ending up with a thumping great lie .
24 We 'll make a hypothetical traverse from Easter Island on the East Pacific Rise ( an oceanic ridge , remember ) right across South America as far as the Mid-Atlantic Ridge , so we 'll be starting at one plate margin , crossing a second and ending up at a third , each of them , of course , marked by a major belt of seismic activity [ see Fig. 2 ] .
25 On the academic site , detailed tephrachronology makes it possible to study patterns in the behaviour of volcanoes — the magma erupted from one volcano may become steadily more acid , or it may show cyclical changes , or it may even vary consistently during each eruption , starting off fairly basic and ending up at the close of the eruption much more acid .
26 This nearly always results in drifting further back without much gain of height and ending up in a worse situation than before .
27 Flying through the sea breeze front without realising it is a common cause of inadvertently landing downwind and ending up in a hedge .
28 Who 's been gossiping to you about her running away with the married man when she was fifteen and ending up in the Daily Record ?
29 In general , they tend to follow a more or less logical sequence , starting at the top with a headline ( assuming it is there ) and ending up in the bottom right-hand corner .
30 Beautiful cover showing a window opening into the past for this time travel tale about an Oxford student stepping back into the Middle Ages to finish her thesis and ending up in the middle of the plague .
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