Example sentences of "[coord] [v-ing] in [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 To reach it other than by boat or wading in low tide would have taken an hour 's drive , so it was not often visited by the women .
2 When a vehicle is being weighed , the weigher should satisfy himself that all the wheels are on the plate and clear of the surround , and that no person is on the vehicle or the plate , or interfering in any way which might affect the weighing , and the engine must be switched off .
3 Local authorities must be notified of private fostering arrangements and of children accommodated by health or education authorities or living in residential care or nursing homes on a long-stay basis ( see Chapter 18 ) .
4 These results , however , are somewhat misleading because in most cases the wells do not appear to have been drilled for Zechstein objectives and were either off-structure or lacking in significant closure at Zechstein level .
5 This is particularly important if your girlfriend is having her period or bleeding in any way .
6 Abbey Life claimed it was not making a political statement or dealing in anti-Labour propaganda .
7 this is a restriction on the debtor personally preventing him from disposing of or dealing in any property owned by him .
8 In the West Country you are drawn into its natural beauty by the progress of the seasons and the constant contact with the sea.Whether it be dolphin counting from a yacht or standing in esturial slime to catch a flatfish , the coast is a pleasure ground that rarely disappoints .
9 Changes in synaptic connectivity between one neuron and another as a result of learning along hebbian lines might involve the dendrites increasing in length , or changing in branching pattern , or the numbers of their spines might alter .
10 The way is then clear for an astute outside agent to purchase shares , realizing their potential and current values are far apart , and subsequently to make a bid for the remainder , with the eventual aim either of realizing the company 's assets , or putting in new management , and hence getting a return on the investment .
11 Or where we are concerned or putting in extra work and so on .
12 Resting ice cubes in a flannel against the rash or bathing in cool water may help .
13 The latter was served by the pursuit of health through drinking or bathing in natural mineral waters at inland spas .
14 A further eight skiers were killed in accidents close to the prepared piste , and 18 were killed climbing or skiing in open country .
15 A white-collar job , owning a home or indulging in particular leisure pursuits may cause a person to identify himself as ‘ middle class ’ ; others may consider anyone who ‘ works , to be ‘ working class ’ ; others may preserve a sense of being ‘ working class ’ because of their family background , though their own social circumstances have changed .
16 He spent every minute that was not wasted in eating or sleeping in this pursuit .
17 The window was full of magazines , lying edge to edge and hanging in yellowed cellophane wrappers from clothes-pegs : she was reminded of playing shop as a child , and lining up the tins of food and boxes of soap flakes and bags of flour , all in miniature .
18 However , when groups from such communities move to and settle in countries living and eating in Western style , and adopt Western habits , repeated surveys and studies have shown that , gradually , over the years , they too become equally prone to the ‘ big Cs ’ and all those other Western diseases .
19 Taking one of a pair of identical towers and re-building in another form , e.g. helps the child towards the idea of invariance of number — there are the same number of blocks ‘ before ’ and ‘ after ’ although they look different .
20 We will be leading small groups , praying with and counselling those on the courses and assisting in local outreach to the prison , hospital and streets of Birmingham .
21 Where part of a building is let off as a separate factory the landlord will be responsible for providing and maintaining in efficient working order and good repair sufficient and suitable sanitary conveniences for the persons employed in the factory ( Factories Act 1961 , s7(1) , s122 ) .
22 At times I went almost mad , talking gibberish , pulling faces , and singing in mock Latin .
23 I only got to know her a little as a teenager when I visited her on my own in the single-end where she lived in a Parkhead tenement , sleeping , washing and cooking in one room .
24 And including in that travel time , must be the congestion which they will face as they approach Leeds which which already is er a difficult problem .
25 The BT–13 could be reworked as the Val with major modifications , while Canary cleverly envisioned mating the forward fuselage section of the AT–6 with the aft fuselage of a BT–13 and splicing in two fuselage plugs to create the elongated Kate fuselage .
26 As we have seen , schools are also to be given the option of leaving the Local Authority altogether and becoming in some sense independent , though with non-fee-paying pupils .
27 Scientists diving and photographing in blue water have devised methods of dealing with the possibilities of runaway icebergs , strong currents and disorientation by using a system of safety divers and tethers .
28 My mental eye , rendered more acute by repeated visions of this kind , could now distinguish larger structures , of manifold conformation ; long rows , sometimes more closely fitted together ; all twining and twisting in snakelike motion .
29 The author has compiled a comprehensive illustrated history of vessels involved in oceanographic research stretching over 150 years , and appearing in alphabetical order of the name by which they were known while carrying out their work .
30 America and Germany are countries which are particularly good at recruiting and keeping in regular contact with their supporters , which makes it far easier to galvanise them when you need them most in the run-up to an election .
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