Example sentences of "[coord] [vb base] on the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 At the second last she put in a tremendous leap and was back in the lead as Run And Skip started to fade , but Forgive 'N Forget on the stands side and Wayward Lad inside him were now going for home , and they passed Dawn Run on the approach to the last .
2 Adolescents are very sensitive about pretence , hypocrisy or deceit on the part of their parents .
3 If you do not have a personal alarm then try and shout for help , or bang on the floor or wall .
4 Others are not reported because of embarrassment or fear on the part of the victim ( rape , domestic assaults ) , or because he or she thinks that there is little the police can do about it ( vandalism , shoplifting ) , or that the offence is not very serious anyway , or that there is no unwilling victim ( drug abuse , soliciting , under-age sex ) .
5 ‘ Sources close to the ‘ artiste ’ suggest the decision to cancel the tour was not made for glamorous or news-worthy reasons , like police/local authority objections or fear on the streets of Britain … just that he ca n't be arsed . ’
6 The person who wrote the computer program used to assist in the creation of the types of works described above has no rights in the work because , although the programmer may control or influence the format of the finished work , he has no control or influence on the content .
7 If you want decorative timber panels on the ceiling , you may need to use a fire retarding paint or varnish on the surface , although this is not usually necessary in most homes .
8 Gina could crawl in beside them or sleep on the sofa downstairs if she preferred .
9 We kids either had to serve behind the ice-cream counter or wait on the tables .
10 Infrared radiation is also better than visible light at penetrating mist or smoke on the battlefield .
11 God could part the Red Sea , Jesus could calm the storm or walk on the water .
12 Just ten or fifteen minutes of it now would see him right , a short trip out through the islets and mudbanks where you could let the boat drift , lean over the stern and watch the inner life of the dirty green water , the shreds of seaweed and small branches and other shapes that sometimes proved to be alive , or focus on the surface , a depthless sheet of scum on which the pearly light shimmered in continual shifting patterns , or even look up to see a huge modern building , several storeys high , going for a stroll along a neighbouring island , the superstructure of a freighter putting out to sea along the deep-water channel …
13 And if you still have time to spare you can spend a weekend in Andorra ( beautiful and taxfree ) or jump on the train to Sitges or the Costa Brava .
14 They did not want success at all costs , but likewise they were not willing to jump off the pop escalator , or stand on the spot arguing among themselves .
15 Of course life is not always as simple as that , and being asked to cover for a colleague at very short notice or an unexpected cancellation or transfer on the theatre list can throw your best laid plans into disarray .
16 Well of course we are , the forecast that you hear on the radio or watch on the television is erm just the front end of a very last organisation .
17 Or travel on the Mark Twain 's Mississippi-style steam boat down the Rivers of the Far West , and thrill to the Big Thunder Mountain 's Runaway train trip which plunges from rocky heights down a dangerous mine shaft .
18 If your man 's hair is thinning or he 's bald , he can cut down the chances of getting a burnt head by using high-protection skin suncream or get on the hair and scalp .
19 With Speed pushing right up and supporting the 2 forward … would enable him to make his runs into the box , also get on both flanks to cross , or get on the end of Wallace crosses …
20 Then you spend another 30 minutes sitting in a car , bus or train on the way to work .
21 ‘ We do not wish to bring any disgrace or dishonour on the guild from our cart collapsing as it rolls through the streets of Cheapside . ’
22 They participate in large numbers in the political arena — they always have — but they do not define their own demands or decide on the direction of movement .
23 The ‘ splash ’ effect of a harp glissando is much enhanced by the addition of a stroke or roll on the cymbals with a soft stick .
24 The GM should choose this opponent type to fit the campaign , or roll on the table for hatred in the WFRP rulebook .
25 Occasional complaints come from the presence of lead in water , usually through dark lead sulphide staining , but these generally arise from contact with lead or solder on the plant and rarely from contamination of the water , although this could occur when very soft water is in contact with new lead piping .
26 We still work in the same building , so we 'll often pop into each other 's offices or talk on the phone , although Peter often blips me on my computer .
27 * Do n't talk about yourself or comment on the exam unless you are explicitly asked to .
28 They walked towards St Mark 's Square together in comfortable silence , knowing each other well enough by then not to have to make bright conversation or comment on the weather or the buildings they passed .
29 Demi-pirouette , or turn on the haunches , in walk .
30 You ca n't open a paper or turn on the TV without seeing stories of plane crashes , women and children assaulted , famine in Africa and war in Serbia .
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