Example sentences of "[coord] [vb base] he [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 We are prepared to clobber the ganger working on the Keighley and Worth Valley railway or his notional supervisor , or send him to prison .
2 No they could keep in power or remove him in turn as the say fit .
3 There 's no proof , and … and she 's fond of him and she would n't do anything to hurt him or get him into trouble .
4 There was never any need for her to take the initiative or inveigle him into bed .
5 You can telephone Dr Sharpe on 61–3– or contact him by facsimile on 61–3– .
6 ( 5 ) A justice of the peace before whom a person is brought under subsection ( 4 ) above may … if of the opinion that that person — ( a ) is not likely to surrender to custody , or ( b ) has broken or is likely to break any condition of his bail , remand him in custody or commit him to custody , as the case may require , or alternatively , grant him bail subject to the same or to different conditions , but if not of that opinion shall grant him bail subject to the same conditions ( if any ) as were originally imposed .
7 Then Aunt Margaret , moaning , would rub him with ointment in spite of his protests , or stick him with Band-Aid , if the skin was broken .
8 This darkness and this cloud is betwixt thee and thy God , and telleth thee that thou mayest neither see him clearly by light of understanding , nor feel him in sweetness of love in thine affection , and therefore shape thee to bide in this darkness as long as thou mayest , crying after him that thou lovest …
9 The man 's trembling want of her made her feel that speck grow into a force ; she began to enjoy denying him , then permitting him again , she used her strength to grip and pin him and squeeze him in parts that made him cry out , to gouge and scratch his pale , thin flesh , she fortified him with tisanes that make men what was called in her language ‘ cross ’ , and gave him leaves to chew to stay his excitement so she could explore the crustacean pinkness of his flesh and turn her curiosity and its tinge of disgust to a form of power over him which gave her pleasure .
10 With every letter she tried to top her last efforts and woo him with wit .
11 The doctor suggested I give Chris a cold drink or an ice cream , and bring him into hospital if he got worse .
12 Sir Danvers Carew was an important and popular man and the police tried desperately to arrest the murderer and bring him to trial .
13 Under s95(4) a police constable can be authorised to take charge of the child and bring him to court and to enter and search any named premises if he has reasonable cause to believe that the child may be found there ( s95(4) ) .
14 It was so difficult to conjure him up at will now , to truly remember what he was like and bring him to life again .
15 His subsequent career has been a switchback which reached its nadir five years ago , when Thomas Hearns produced a devastating right to the chin to knock him out and send him into retirement .
16 His accusations backed up with the evidence found by Craig would be enough to convict Spencer and send him to prison for some time , once his whereabouts were discovered , for Spencer seemed to have vanished from the face of the earth .
17 They could appoint English-trained Malcolm as Earl and steer him from Wessex .
18 Did they take him there sober and ply him with booze until he reached the point specified by the director ?
19 She writes : ‘ We can not simply shift Jesus from center-stage and replace him with humanity or God by wishing it were so . ’
20 But have reverence for Christ in your hearts , and honour him as Lord .
21 But all the same , Mr Browning thought it wise that she should send to the Ogilvys a letter for Gigia to carry in which both she and Ferdinando formally requested the return of their young son and gave her power to remove him from the care of his aunt and conduct him to Italy .
22 The message read that she had been in the hotel that night ; that she had met David ; that a tape had been taken of the conversation ; that if he thought he could arrest her brother and charge him with murder , he should now try ; that , if he thought he could intern her whilst completely innocent , he should now try ; that several persons had listened to the conversation in the hotel that night and that one was an Ulster MP .
23 potential groom around and cover him in gloar .
24 He had a nice temperament and you could go up to him and stroke him without fear .
25 And so Jesus , he draws near to this woman , and he comes to you and he comes to me , to cleanse and forgive , we 'll just turn from our sin and meet him in confession .
26 It was decided that he should leave next day for London and that I should stop on and finish my baths and meet him in Paris .
27 An undated ducal warrant survives ordering William Fitzwilliam of Sprotborough to meet Gloucester at Doncaster with eight horses and accompany him to London .
28 An undated ducal warrant survives ordering William Fitzwilliam of Sprotborough to meet Gloucester at Doncaster with eight horses and accompany him to London .
29 Because of the case , of going to court to claim compensation for James , we had to have neuroligists to come and look at James and assess him for thes claim and they have said that James is not in a persistent vegetative state . ’
30 and extol him with music and song .
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