Example sentences of "[coord] [vb base] have the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ To this end we are pursuing NAMAS accreditation with all due speed and determination and expect to have the certificate hanging on the way by August 1993 . ’
2 All of us at John Fowler Holidays will be pleased to see you at any time and hope to have the pleasure of giving you a good holiday .
3 In a statement the department of transport says : ’ It 's a complex repair operation , but engineers are working round the clock and hope to have the bridge at least partially opened by early April , providing they do n't encounter any major problems . ’
4 For musicians , the lure of the West must be strong , and for reasons as understandable as basic working conditions and standard of living , but as a result we stand at a crossroads : how can we possibly avoid the continuing standardization of orchestral , instrumental and vocal production , and continue to have the opportunity of hearing music played in a style and tradition for which it was probably originally conceived .
5 In May , Mr and his group had the opportunity to vote with us in spending another two million pounds on the education system of this county , and now he is complaining only six months later , that we are n't spending enough , and I think we 've said before , the Conservatives have , and continue to have the opportunity for action , but they will not support their words with deeds .
6 The first is where the firms are unwilling to accept the judgment of the competition policy institution , and wish to have the case reviewed .
7 ( 1978 ) and have had the effects of igneous heating removed .
8 Individual properties and relations have been with us since Aristotle , and have had the support of such diverse philosophers as Peirce and Stout , but they have not always got a good name .
9 Because of his experience , he 'd been taken further into God 's Kingdom , he 'd been given that vision into God 's Kingdom , now that 's more than just been given your eyesight , cos there 's a lot of people will see , who have their eyesight intact , but refuse to have the vision that was necessary to accept Jesus , new kingdom .
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