Example sentences of "[coord] [vb base] [pron] at [art] " in BNC.

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1 Environmental Issues is your magazine , and anything and everything is considered for inclusion , so do ring , write , fax or grab me at a conference ( well not literally ! ) with your information .
2 In the corner of another carriage there sits , his face screened by a magazine , some lonely soul who has no one to bid him adieu at this end of his journey or welcome him at the other .
3 ‘ He would either go with the victims or meet them at the Macro warehouse in North Acton .
4 Alternately , the Commissioner and his most senior colleagues invite them to Scotland Yard , or visit them at the ALA building nearby .
5 Has the Prime Minister seen the prospectus from Pathfinders Repossessions plc , which is a company which proposes to buy repossessed homes at auction and then flog them off or rent them at a huge profit ?
6 Do you want to give them now or do it at the end ?
7 And Glenn Close 's stubborn and pain-ridden performance as Sunny makes you sad for her and hate her at the same time .
8 And er I remembering Dad , once he bought a cherry tree , and went up to get all these here cherries off the trees , and when we got them we used to wipe them and put them in a bag , and sell them at the fairs .
9 No they would buy it somewhere and sell it at a profit you see .
10 As the New Right has denounced and undermined a communitarian form of society , so ‘ The numbers of people for whom such communitarian visions are good and mean something at the level of their everyday experiences are declining , attenuating their moral force . ’
11 Send us a cartoon or a caricature on the theme of 20th-century Oxford and we 'll publish the best two entries and display them at the Ashmolean .
12 Far from reducing taxation , as we had been elected to do , we would have to raise it — and raise it at a time when local councils were already pushing up rates .
13 Here you are trying to have your cake and eat it at the same time …
14 Once again , start with the largest flowers and place one at the top and one at the bottom of the design , and then two staggered in the middle .
15 A Hong Kong-based Scottish engineer and historian , Mr Charles Walker , is behind the scheme to inscribe a gravestone and place it at the spot where Liddell is known to have been buried .
16 Whenever she washed the windows in one room , she would mark the date down on the card , and place it at the end of the section .
17 which is burnt off when the whole thing gets fired in the kiln , so what will have to happen is the , your pots you 've done so far , once they 're thoroughly dried and go into the kiln , they 're fired at a high temperature and then they 'll come out this bit fired you 'll then separate them with oxide pastes , dip them into glaze , which I 'll explain in a minute , and re-fire them at a higher temperature , the glazed would
18 Saw him at a sale being knocked down to a known horsemeat dealer and stepped in and outbid him at the last moment .
19 But what brought her to the point of retaliation was the sight of his hands mauling a plate of sliced mutton , digging his fingers into the pieces of meat and snatching them up and trying to screw them up like pieces of paper and hurl them at the bookcase .
20 The trees poise to eject leaves and hurl them at the wind , there is nobody in the big house to see the park 's invasion by the people , the iron benches under the elms are empty , each foot curling into a clutch of leaves .
21 unless they 're going to let , unless people are going to buy them and let them at a reasonable rent to people
22 We see a dancer at a rave , film him later that week , and project him at the next rave . ’
23 It 's a sort of That 's right push it through the hole and catch it at the other side .
24 No no the first mail run we had was just merely from to Rousay to collect the Rousay mails and dump them at the Rousay pier and they were sorted in Rousay for Egilsay and Wyre besides that .
25 Why do n't we take it to some safe place a hundred miles away and dump it at the bottom of the deep blue sea ? ’
26 The airlines , facing their fourth successive year in the red , are urging the EC to drop plans to lower maximum noise levels and nitrogen oxide emissions , arguing that they could increase operating costs , reduce the resale value of operators ' fleets and put them at a competitive disadvantage to international rivals .
27 Now what I 'd like you to do is to select two , I told you I 'd be serious in the last part , the whole is here , is select the two pads you like best , please , and put one at the front of the binder and one at the back .
28 The Peacock Committee was convinced that it was no longer possible to recommend ‘ no change ’ to either the licence fee system or the funding structure of broadcasting as a whole ; the differences between the two sources of revenue would create recurring crises for the BBC and put it at a competitive disadvantage compared to the ITV structure .
29 Turn the card over and put it at the bottom of the pack
30 Tess bravely made a little cross and put it at the head of the grave one evening , when she could enter the churchyard without being seen .
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