Example sentences of "[coord] [vb base] [prep] [pron] the " in BNC.

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1 The chair , wheelchair or commode onto which the patient is transferring is placed on one side of the carer , sideways on to the bed .
2 It is the holder of prepared fleece or flax from which the spinner draws out strands .
3 The ‘ stope ’ , or place from which the rock is dug , becomes , at the end of the operation , just a cavity in the rockface , at which point it becomes a ‘ gunnis ’ .
4 In the present case , the immediate proceeding in which the order was made was not the cause or matter to which the section refers .
5 However , a good deal of discretion is left in the hands of the Area Director to determine the merits of the application , having considered ‘ … all questions of fact or law arising out of the action , cause or matter to which the application relates and the circumstances in which it was made . ’
6 The dorsal and lateral margins of the occipital foramen are commonly bordered by a narrow rim or postocciput with which the neck membrane is directly continuous .
7 In the absence of an express obligation , the landlord will have no duty to keep in repair any pipe or drain through which the tenant discharges soil or water , even if the pipe or drain is retained in the possession of the landlord ( Westminster ( Duke ) v Guild [ 1984 ] 3 All ER 144 ) .
8 With a high sense not only of justice but of dramatic effect he informed the judge that the only courses open to him were ‘ either to resign your post , or inflict on me the severest penalty if you believe that the system and law you are assisting to administer are good for the people ’ .
9 He never for example suggests that women should be allowed into the inner courts of the temple , or take upon themselves the obligations of prayer laid on men .
10 First , you time the length of the material to be trimmed at the beginning of the shot , and subtract from it the amount of the backspace ; this shorter length is then the point at which you set the tape early for the edit-in .
11 Modigliani declined as politely but suggested to Lunia that she should come to his studio and pose for him the following day .
12 Place three cups on a table , one upwards and two downwards , and say to everyone the game is to turn over two cups at once so that cups the right way up are turned upside down and vice versa .
13 The notice given should be reasonable , and the date , time and place at which the applicant 's attendance is required should be specified , with a reference to the relevant section of the Act , viz. 5.15 .
14 Speed and mcalllister would hang around outside the Cov penalty area and snatch onto anything the Cov tried to clear .
15 It literally , it literally means produce the body only you ca n't simply , well the difference between a constitutional system and er an arbitrary government is that in arbitrary governments people get arrested and disappear , locked up , throw away the key and worry about it the next generation or after the next er military coup or whatever but in a constitutional government there have to be procedures and one of the safeguards of individual liberty is that if you 're ever arrested and detained by law enforcement agencies you have to be produced before a court within a specified period and charged with something .
16 The campaign to achieve a healthy teeange nation calls on more guidance for teachers and parents to recognise the trouble signs and listen to what the teenagers say .
17 That God will give me a clear vision for the future and reveal to me the next step after DTS .
18 Before they left I could not forbear to draw Gillian closer and impart to her the glittering counsel that wearing 501s with trainers was frankly un désastre and that I was amazed she had walked the streets to my apartment in broad daylight and escaped pillory .
19 He would never dare openly to disobey Smallfry , but he had learned to listen for every shift in her voice-tone and read for himself the most subtle variation in her smile .
20 Put it together with the talk after the first battle , and add to it the understanding of the ark as the throne of God , as the visible guarantee of God 's presence with his people , the symbol of his covenant relationship with them , as their wedding ring , we might say , and you have then something to explain the consternation of Eli and the wife of Phinehas .
21 We believe that the right way to deal with that offence is to build on the offence under the Theft Act 1968 — the taking and driving away — and add to it the aggravated offence covered in clause 1 .
22 Noting that " Europe has entered a new , promising era " , the declaration stated that " as a consequence this Alliance must and will adapt " and must " reach out to the countries of the East which were our adversaries in the Cold War and extend to them the hand of friendship " .
23 This fact meant that Danzigers had far more opportunity to mull over Nazi propaganda and assess for themselves the extent of the Polish , Communist and Jewish ‘ threats ’ .
24 It was to hound and hasten Leonard 's waking thoughts , eliminate any residual interest he may have possessed in mere intellectual commitment , and open to him the stark reality of life downtown .
25 Satisfied that all is well , DOS will start the program called PRINT , and pass to it the rest of the command you typed ( which is the name of the file you want to print — PENGUIN.TXT ) .
26 And remember before you the names of
27 While the organism remains filled with the life force , it can counter the disintegration and decay to which the non-living world is subject .
28 I would take the train down the line where they would have to change at some junction and plead with them the cause of the Liverpool seamen .
29 Pollution and the removal of riverside hedges have played their part ; but above all , dredging and drainage have ironed out the varied bed conditions of gravel and silt to which the larvae of these and many other insects were so minutely adapted .
30 The adviser in charge of the inspection shall meet the head and teaching staff and discuss with them the aim of the inspection .
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