Example sentences of "[coord] [vb base] [prep] time [prep] " in BNC.

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1 However , where a defendant does not reside or carry on business within the district of the court and he desires the action to be transferred to the court for the district in which he resides or carries on business , he may , after delivering a defence , counterclaim , or request for time for payment , apply ex parte in writing for an order to transfer the action to that court .
2 Friendship is more likely to be offered in terms of emotional support or help in times of crisis .
3 Work should therefore be rapid and finish in time for the Louvre 's exhibition of ‘ The Marriage at Cana ’ which is going ahead as scheduled at the end of September .
4 I am functional on the methadone ; I can stand to get out of bed before three in the afternoon , I write poetry and draw from time to time , and even manage to socialise a little , dining at an occasional restaurant , catching the odd play .
5 These churches were built in honour of God and to provide shelter and succour in times of need .
6 These then are the ‘ things ’ beneath my feet , the layers that fill the well of strength from which I draw energy and comfort in times of crisis .
7 I go into the information office and ask about times of return trains from Bracknell .
8 Private MPs rise and ask for time for this or that motion or debate which they particularly want , but normally the only concessions the Leader of the House will make is through ‘ the usual channels ’ , that is in private discussions with the opposition Chief Whip .
9 The diaries , memoirs , and letters that have survived from the post-Reformation period reveal that many Protestants found their trust in divine providence to be a source of great comfort and solace during times of public or private affliction .
10 The ability to fit life-cycles into seasons , to flourish in times of plenty and survive in times of dearth , is clearly critical for polar species ; so also are such qualities as adaptability to change , avoidance of specialization , and deftness in colonizing new habitats .
11 Instead , they hone their personal fighting skills and come in times of need to fight in small warrior bands .
12 Instead they hone their personal fighting skills and come in times of need to fight in small warrior bands .
13 I 'd leave the shop at 6 p.m. , drive off to a gig , ( reeking of chips despite bathing nightly in Domestos ) and return in time for the hour and a half of cleaning which began as soon as the last customer left at midnight .
14 Quick wit and cleverness at school had shifted him quickly from his roots in the Belfast underclass , and his natural proclivities had led him to the theatre set , a wee bit of acting and extra-work from time to time , usually as a gunman or a thug and once , memorably , as a rather well-fed hungerstriker .
15 Good sense says that they should go as far as they can but return from time to time to those parts of the plan which have not at first been realized .
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